These memes include everything from wholesome pets and people, unexpected moments in nature and good old laughter.
Some days, it can feel like nothing's going right and the world is against you. While these feelings are often temporary, they can still feel overwhelming in the moment. Sometimes, what we see in life or on social media can make things worse, pulling us deeper into the spiral. But there’s hope—things like memes can help brighten your mood and remind you that life’s not all bad. The Facebook group Kind Humor shares memes that feel like little signs from the universe, reminding us that things will get better. At the very least, they’re sure to bring a smile or even a laugh.
These memes talk about things in nature, such as birds and flowers or about wholesome things pets do to make people happy. The page also features people going out of their way to make another person's day. All these things might make someone who is having a difficult time believe in the goodness of the world all over again. These memes are also what the group calls wholesome humor, an all-new turn to the usual definition and form of humor present all around us. Here are 25 wholesome memes that might make you believe that the world still has some saving grace even after everything that goes wrong with us.