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25 tweets about kids doing the wildest things that prove they are weird creatures

Kids say the darndest things out of nowhere or do something frighteningly daring and impulsive that sometimes makes you question your own sanity.

25 tweets about kids doing the wildest things that prove they are weird creatures
Cover Image Source: Twitter / DianaG277

When your kids are born, they appear to be the cutest and most precious things in the world. However, as they grow and their personalities emerge, you realize they are a bunch of crazy hooligans. They say the darndest things out of nowhere or do something frighteningly daring and impulsive that often makes you question your own sanity.

Sometimes parents want someone who relates to their problems, and what does a 21st-century parent do? They get on Twitter and bond with fellow parents by posting funny stories about their kids. Stories about getting called to the principal's office because your child swallowed a field mouse or almost stabbed another student with a pencil are all classics. 

Twiter mom @DianaG2772 found herself in one such situation. She received a call from the school after her kid managed to catch a seagull by using gummy worms as bait. Both amused and concerned by the situation, she decided to take this matter to Twitter, where other parents in the comments empathized with the mother and shared their own experiences about the mischief their kids get up to every day.

1. FYI



2. I am the weapon


3. Why does this mulch have a tail?



4. Poor duckie


5. It's a bird, after all


6. The ankle of an arm


7. Th-thanks 


8. Blood is thicker than water


9. Honesty is the best policy


10. Smells divine


11. 'Little holding coin'


12. Will send you a presentation


13. I have priorities, mom 


14. Always ask the right questions


15. The nerve


16. It will scream like a banshee


17. Bullseye!


18. Nothing and macaroni 



19. Your daughter has been saying some things


20. They have every right to be free


21. Truth is all I speak


22. Frog.


23. Dad holds all the answers of the universe


24. Maybe forget about this one


25. 'She was born to write.'


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