With new technology and challenges, new trends emerge—either to solve problems or introduce faster, more efficient ways of doing things. Some trends gain traction naturally, while others feel forced as people follow them simply because everyone else is.
Sometimes, trends become unavoidable as businesses adopt them, making products or services inaccessible without compliance. Social media accelerates their spread, but not all trends are welcomed. A person, u/Western_Defintion80, took to Reddit to ask people, "What’s a trend you’re totally disappointed with?"
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tanino
People took to the comments to share various things that they wished would disappear soon and remain nowhere but in history and trivia quizzes. While some people are tired of subscribing to every single thing and additional features, others are exhausted from downloading an app for every single thing. At the same time, others are disappointed that their expensive technical devices are becoming obsolete faster than ever. Some people also expressed their concerns over the worsening quality of tech instead of the constant improvement they showed in the past years. Here are 25 trends that people believe need to go.
Subscriptions. Everything that was once a one-time purchase has become a monthly subscription. It feels like we’re not allowed to own anything outright anymore. -u/FlowerrLovey
I'm totally disappointed with the trend of planned obsolescence in tech. Companies are making devices that intentionally slow down or break after a few years, so you have to buy a new one. Thats it! -u/CuttiePrincesss
How there’s an app for EVERYTHING. Even when ordering at fast food or grocery stores, multiple items and deals are “app only.” So damn annoying. -u/PalettePixie
Posting the 'after' picture to the left of the 'before' picture. People do it for cheap engagement and views because they know a part of the conversation will be how the pictures are out of order. -u/down-with-homework
Minimizing the number of employees at stores (self-checkout, etc.) so that CVS/Rite Aid places that used to have human interaction assistance are now depressing ghost towns that are slowly dying anyway. -u/livsd_
Minimalist home decor that makes it look like no one actually lives there. -u/Perfect0031
Hyped food trends. I tried that charcoal ice cream and was seriously let down. -YUmmy_003
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Roman Odintsov
The trend of people doing dangerous things online for engagement. I didn’t know how bad it was until I started using TikTok. -u/bleucheesewonton
Song titles that start with lowercase letters. -u/bigmansteveg
Modern farmhouse. I am so sick of seeing white with black trim everywhere and endless expanses of gray. -u/229-northstar
Reselling: no longer can I go to the thrift store and get a cheap shirt now, it's sorted by brand because of resellers. I can't own a house because they're not a home they're an investment to flip. Can't sell something on Craigslist without 30 flippers offering you less than 20% list price. -u/Jimi_hotsaue
Wedding culture is getting out of control. As a guest, you’re expected to shell out big bucks both for attending (hotel, etc.) AND for the bachelor/bachelorette party AND a separate bridal shower AND buying a gift from the registry?? And more and more of these events are involving travel! Def an abuse of social norms to try and squeeze people like that. -u/PutAForkInHim
Things that are supposed to bring us together keep driving us apart. From cell phones to the internet, it feels like every time I think something might kind of get us to talk with our neighbors a little more, share knowledge a little more, and be better neighbors to each other... it just ends up creating more isolation, more echo chambers, and more always-online work mentality instead of people actually getting to be closer to each other. -u/Abrupt_Pegasus
Antivax nonsense. Especially when promulgated by the same people who take unregulated supplements or eat so much tuna fish that they get mercury poisoning. -u/GladVeterinarian5120
The trend of relying on TikTok for your geopolitical opinions. -u/00owl
An increasing amount of places (universities) that don’t take cash anymore. -u/Ditsumoao96
Influencers. For the life of me, I don’t understand what they do. And, like, why are they called influencers? And how do they make money? -u/f50c13t1
Present tense narration in books. I feel like I’m on the very edge of the action like I’m live-streaming something that’s going to cut off any second. I can’t get into anything written that way. -u/Plantayne
The obsession with ultra-processed “health” foods. They’re marketed as good for you, but they’re often full of junk and don’t actually help with real health. -u/Ok_Combimation_5896