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25 times wrong number texts took unexpected but amusing turns and spread smiles online

A text from a wrong number is usually a mild inconvenience but sometimes it can turn into a laugh riot.

25 times wrong number texts took unexpected but amusing turns and spread smiles online
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/Ordhah; u/mnbvcxz1052

Most people have either sent or received a call or a text from a wrong number. Anyone who has received a message from a wrong number knows that it ranges from mildly inconvenient to very annoying. But sometimes, such messages can turn into really funny conversations. A stranger might be bored out of their mind when they receive your text and decide to engage with it, or they might be in a really good mood and decide to be funny. A subreddit, r/wrongnumber, shares such amusing texts from wrong numbers that tickle a person's funny bones.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Roman PohoRecki
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Roman PohoRecki

The forum features several instances of wrong number interactions that took unexpected turns. While in some cases, a person might have sent the invite for a mouth-watering dinner to the wrong person, they struck an unlikely friendship with a stranger in another. Sometimes, they might have landed in a stranger's inbox just because they got one digit wrong. But most of these are quite funny and exchanged in good humor. You might just get a good laugh out of them if you are having a difficult day. Here are 25 funny texts from wrong numbers that are a true laugh riot.

1. Want to play golf?

Image Source: Reddit | u/Ordhah
Image Source: Reddit | u/Ordhah

2. When a stranger reminds you of your old age

Image Source: Reddit | u/Far_Cut2277
Image Source: Reddit | u/Far_Cut2277

3. Hotpot?

Image Source: Reddit | u/Round_Specialist_588
Image Source: Reddit | u/Round_Specialist_588

4. A meme fest

Image Source: Reddit | u/mnbvcxz1052
Image Source: Reddit | u/mnbvcxz1052

5. The wrong number monkey

Image Source: Reddit | u/xenomvr
Image Source: Reddit | u/xenomvr

6. An unexpected opinion

Image Source: Reddit | u/worstgurl
Image Source: Reddit | u/worstgurl

7. When you reach the president instead of your friend

Image Source: Reddit | u/Hunterbs13
Image Source: Reddit | u/Hunterbs13

8. When you are too worried about your dog to check the number

Image Source: Reddit | u/CrewChief99
Image Source: Reddit | u/CrewChief99

9. Oh, great

Image Source: Reddit | u/Miss_LozBloz
Image Source: Reddit | u/Miss_LozBloz

10. Anyway, congratulations

Image Source: Reddit | u/hockeypup
Image Source: Reddit | u/hockeypup

11. You shouldn't cancel yoga

Image Source: Reddit | u/tacoswithjelly
Image Source: Reddit | u/tacoswithjelly

12. Are you Sirius?

Image Source: Reddit | u/Murky_ad_250
Image Source: Reddit | u/Murky_ad_250

13. When you accidentally message a Swiftie

Image Source: Reddit | u/LostPomoWoman
Image Source: Reddit | u/LostPomoWoman

14. Evelyn messaging Evelyn

Image Source: Reddit | u/No_Acanthaceae9641
Image Source: Reddit | u/No_Acanthaceae9641

15. Probably a joke

Image Source: Reddit | u/whatsupeveryone34
Image Source: Reddit | u/whatsupeveryone34

16. A message straight from Gotham

Image Source: Reddit | u/stevenm1993
Image Source: Reddit | u/stevenm1993

17. When you accidentally reach Bikini Bottom

Image Source: Reddit | u/Crayoneater2005
Image Source: Reddit | u/Crayoneater2005

18. We all need this

Image Source: Reddit | u/Sharp-Icicles
Image Source: Reddit | u/Sharp-Icicles

19. When the coach suddenly hates golf

Image Source: Reddit | u/Naive_Historian2110
Image Source: Reddit | u/Naive_Historian2110

20. The case of a stolen phone

Image Source: Reddit | u/Agile_Respond8198
Image Source: Reddit | u/Agile_Respond8198

21. The only party invites one gets

Image Source: Reddit | u/Alle0s
Image Source: Reddit | u/Alle0s

22. Just a guy playing Pokemon

Image Source: Reddit | u/Manicminertheone
Image Source: Reddit | u/Manicminertheone

23. Not Jason

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit | u/anon

24. Nobody takes this person's coffee

Image Source: Reddit | u/BUSGREEN420
Image Source: Reddit | u/BUSGREEN420

25. Scary

Image Source: Reddit | u/Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o
Image Source: Reddit | u/Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o

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