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25 times graphic designers over-delivered with brilliant advertisements and left people awestruck

These are not your run-of-the-mill advertisements; they are mini-masterpieces created by some seriously talented folks in the advertising world.

25 times graphic designers over-delivered with brilliant advertisements and left people awestruck
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Brilliant Ads

In a world filled with advertisements vying for our attention, some manage to stand out due to their sheer creativity. These ads make us laugh, think and sometimes, they even tug at our heartstrings. But often, they do not get the credit they deserve. So, here we are, bringing you a handpicked collection of 25 best commercials from a Facebook page titled Brilliant Ads.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura


These are not your run-of-the-mill advertisements; they are mini-masterpieces created by some seriously talented folks in the advertising world. They know how to grab your attention and make you remember what you have seen. Now, we get it; ads can sometimes feel like annoying intruders in our daily lives. But this listicle aims to change that perspective. We want you to see that advertising can be a source of inspiration and entertainment, thanks to the creative minds behind these commercials. 

Our mission is straightforward: to give credit where credit is due. We want to applaud the clever individuals who turn advertising into an art form. So, let's dive into this collection and celebrate the brilliance that makes the advertising world so exciting. 

1. Who is the sign for?



2. Throwback to the pandemic


3. All hail the trimmer


4. Two in one


5. Could it be any softer?


6. The city is in your palm



7. We miss him too


8. Smoking is injurious to your health


9. Hope things are clear


10. Ah! The reality


11. Power of caffeine


12. Help! It's melting


13. It's not about who you see in the mirror, it's about who looks back


14. Their plan was to fly until the fly fell


15. An apple a day


16. No cheat days


17. Just Do It


18. Cure for sensitivity


19. Social distancing crown


20. Isolation is the key


21. Guerilla Marketing


22. Fanta for every mood


23. Ad for Adblock, blocked


24. Just keep running


25. Now that's convincing


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