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25 times boyfriends and husbands made their partners giggle with hilariously wholesome antics

It helps to have a partner with a good sense of humor and if you have people like these in your lives, you'll never experience a dull moment.

25 times boyfriends and husbands made their partners giggle with hilariously wholesome antics
Cover Image Source: Reddit | (L) u/AsSeenOnStevie | (R) u/Zethley

A sense of humor is the most valued quality people look for in their potential romantic partners. Imagine having a partner who does not know how to laugh at the absurdities of life and someone who does not put any effort to make your day a tad bit better. It might sound absolutely boring and lifeless. But these posts on the internet prove that some husbands and boyfriends do wholesome things to make their partners chuckle a little and sprinkle some humor into their day-to-day life.

Whether it is sending their partner funny pictures or doing something over the top to tease them a little, these men are always on top of their game. Here we have assembled some of the funniest and most heartwarming attempts made by husbands and boyfriends to make their partners smile. These images just might give you a couple of ideas on how to keep your relationship joyful and fun:

1. Art-loving husbands be like:


2. "My husband bedazzled my sunflowers."

Image Source: Reddit/fivezenses
Image Source: Reddit/fivezenses

3. "My son was really excited when my wife and I agreed to a Pokemon-themed Halloween until he saw my costume."

Image Source: Reddit | u/nerge
Image Source: Reddit | u/nerge

4. "Today I welcomed my first child into the world. Here’s a photo of me waking up after passing out in the OR."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Hueybluebelt
Image Source: Reddit | u/Hueybluebelt

5. "I bought this makeup holder from a thrift store. My name is not Hannah. I asked my husband if he could get creative and cut out new vinyl or somehow cover up the name. This was his million-dollar idea."

Image Source: Reddit/Darkangel1979
Image Source: Reddit/Darkangel1979


6. "My husband got me good with a rat he made from hair clippings."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Pangur_Ban_Hammer
Image Source: Reddit | u/Pangur_Ban_Hammer

7. "My husband got me a bouquet of mushrooms for Mother's Day"

Image Source: Reddit | u/MrsStrangelov
Image Source: Reddit | u/MrsStrangelov

8. "Everyone runs into our garden window so I made this sign. My wife says no one will get it."

Image Source: Reddit | u/CatVideoFest
Image Source: Reddit | u/CatVideoFest

9. "This is how I like to make my girlfriend laugh."

Image Source: Reddit | u/CURcubeu0_0
Image Source: Reddit | u/CURcubeu0_0

10. "Husband made me a Mel-o-lantern for Summerween!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/Brkiri
Image Source: Reddit | u/Brkiri

11. "I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday and she said cat stuff. I think I nailed it."

Image Source: Reddit | u/JephriB
Image Source: Reddit | u/JephriB

12. "Diva got some new dresses in the mail today but was at work. She really wanted to see them though."

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A post shared by Derek Macdonald (@orchidderek)


13. "Fixed our bathroom picture. Wife not amused."

Image Source: Reddit | u/mrprikei
Image Source: Reddit | u/mrprikei

14. "My wife won’t let me wear this to a rehearsal dinner and we’re both pissed!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/NBAJam95
Image Source: Reddit | u/NBAJam95

15. "So my boyfriend and I were 'Beauty and The Beast' for Halloween."

Image Source: Reddit | u/knittwisp
Image Source: Reddit | u/knittwisp

16. "My husband photoshopped our cat as an astronaut and had it printed on his Vans. Sweetest boy in space!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/TripleXTina
Image Source: Reddit | u/TripleXTina

17. "My husband was so excited about his custom card."

Image Source: Reddit | u/clovergirlerin
Image Source: Reddit | u/clovergirlerin

18. "Wife asked me to pick up a roll of Hannukah wrapping paper. The criteria I was given was 'it should be blue and white.' Mission accomplished."

Image Source: Reddit | u/
Image Source: Reddit | u/bubonis

19. "My wife had our bedroom Paris themed. I thought it needed a bit more."

Image Source: Reddit | u/SC487
Image Source: Reddit | u/SC487

20. "During a 12-hour flight delay my boyfriend wandered off. I found him he was in the middle of a Pixar movie marathon with a group of 5-year-olds."

Image Source: Imgur | janeR61
Image Source: Imgur | janeR61

21. "Husband rarely throws out the rolls. So a week ago I decided to go on strike. He issued a challenge accepted."

Image Source: Reddit | u/shadowreverie
Image Source: Reddit | u/shadowreverie

22. "I asked my husband to buy some cheap plastic drinking cups so that we don’t always have to drink from glass cups and potentially break them while handling them. This is what he bought… (and no we don’t have kids)"

Image Source: Reddit | u/ArchieFartsy
Image Source: Reddit | u/ArchieFartsy

23. "My boyfriend was a pregnant Beyonce for Halloween."

Image Source: Reddit | u/
Image Source: Reddit | u/tfotheufo

24. "My husband and I did maternity pictures. Here is the best one."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Zethley
Image Source: Reddit | u/Zethley

25. "My boyfriend wore a mustache and a vintage-style swimsuit the ENTIRE time we were at a Waterpark."

Image Source: Reddit | u/ 
Image Source: Reddit | u/ AsSeenOnStevie

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