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25 relatable Sunday memes that will make everyone's Monday a little more bearable

Weekends bring mixed emotions, from Friday's high to Monday's low.

25 relatable Sunday memes that will make everyone's Monday a little more bearable
Cover Image Source: Reddit | (L) u/RyanTheGamer151; (R) r/memes

After a long week, most of us probably don't want our Sundays to end. In fact, research by Mind found that 66% of people experience the "Sunday Blues"—anxiety triggered by the looming return to work. Weekends often take us on an emotional rollercoaster, starting with the Friday high and slowly sinking back to reality before Monday hits. The Reddit community, r/memes, has been flooded with hilarious posts capturing that all-too-relatable shift from Sunday to Monday.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Following NYC
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Following NYC

Sunday memes have evolved over the years, capturing not just the emotional ups and downs but also our weekend routines. From self-care and family time to parties and bonding with friends, these memes highlight all the weekend vibes. And yes, some hilariously poke fun at that awful boss you wish you'd never see again or the teacher expecting overdue homework. The subreddit is packed with content that serves as a perfect stress reliever if you're dreading the week ahead. So, sit back and check out the best 25 Sunday memes for when you're just not ready for Monday.

1. Straight to the point

Image Source: Reddit |
Image Source: Reddit | u/sigma_alpha

2. 'You deserve all the happiness': Friday tells us

Image Source: Reddit | u/HundredPennyz
Image Source: Reddit | u/HundredPennyz

3. When you have great plans for the weekend

Image Source: Reddit | u/roldynzm
Image Source: Reddit | u/roldynzm

4. And, self-care is part of it...

Image Source: u/Enby303
Image Source: Reddit | u/Enby303

5. No hard feelings bro

Image Source: Reddit | u/paolonoci
Image Source: Reddit | u/paolonoci

6. The weekend passes until you realize

Image Source: Reddit | u/KaviB_real
Image Source: Reddit | u/KaviB_real

7. You wake up from procrastination and the feeling hits you hard

8. You're not alone, even "Simpsons" feel the same

Image Source: Reddit | Killmumger
Image Source: Reddit | u/Killmumger

9. So does the "SpongeBob"

Image Source: Reddit | u/RyanTheGamer151
Image Source: Reddit | u/RyanTheGamer151

10. When you still trying to stop worrying

Image Source: Reddit | u/Just_Simpin538
Image Source: Reddit | u/Just_Simpin538

11. Wants no noise around

Image Source: Reddit | u/Rupertii
Image Source: Reddit | u/Rupertii

12. 6 am calls on Sunday be like...

Image Source: Reddit | u/Aidlolz
Image Source: Reddit | u/Aidlolz

13. Just hanging in there

Image Source: Reddit | AliRussian
Image Source: Reddit | u/AliRussian

14. Meanwhile, some of us are not lucky enough to enjoy Sundays

Image Source: Reddit | u/Matsuuuu69420
Image Source: Reddit | u/Matsuuuu69420

15. Don't forget to be grateful

Image Source: Reddit | u/Gayle_Rodgers
Image Source: Reddit | u/Gayle_Rogers

16. Are you enjoying the memes?

Image Source: Reddit | Y0L0_Y33T
Image Source: Reddit |u/Y0L0_Y33T

17. Let's continue... 

Image Source: Reddit | u/hejMao
Image Source: Reddit | u/hejMao

18. We've all been there

Image Source: Reddit | u/BDiddy_420
Image Source: Reddit | u/BDiddy_420

19. And there too

Image Source: Reddit | u/Siddud3
Image Source: Reddit | u/Siddud3

20. Not forgetting this for sure

Image Source: Reddit | u/tangletaser
Image Source: Reddit | u/tangletaser

21. Me on Sunday mornings

Image Source: Reddit | u/bongonzales2019
Image Source: Reddit | u/bongonzales2019

22. But before that I don't like any disturbance

Image Source: Reddit | r/memes
Image Source: Reddit | r/memes

23. My brian the night before Monday

Image Source: Reddit | u/same_same_lah
Image Source: Reddit | u/same_same_lah

24. Finally accepting

Image Source: Reddit | r/memes
Image Source: Reddit | r/memes

25. LoL! Is it me alone?

Image Source: Reddit | r/memes
Image Source: Reddit | r/memes

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