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25 relatable cat memes that might leave people wondering if they were meant to be a cat

The feline attitude is quite popular on the internet and at times, it might make us realize how similar we are to those furry beings.

25 relatable cat memes that might leave people wondering if they were meant to be a cat
Cover Image Source: X | @literallymecats

The internet is full of pictures, videos, and stories about the adorable antics of cats. Even dog lovers can't deny how amusing cats and their characteristics are. Felines are adored for their nonchalant attitude, independent personality, and how they live life on their own terms. Dozing off for most of the day, cats have a cool life that even humans envy. Despite their carefree nature, cats also share a deep love for their humans and those they trust. Often, we can't help but notice how similar our personalities are to these furry bundles of joy.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

From being lazy all day to taking on life with an unbothered attitude, some cat traits are incredibly relatable and even inspiring to humans. The little animals sometimes also come up with the most candid expressions that are too relevant to our realities. Not just pictures and videos, but even cat memes take the internet by storm simply because of how hilariously applicable they are to our lives. In fact, there's an entire X account named 'Cats that are literally me' (@literallymecats), dedicated to posting extremely relatable cat memes that humans can identify with. "Cats and cat memes you can relate to on an emotional level and say, 'That is literally me,'" the page description reads. May it be our honest reactions to life problems or our unwavering love for sleep, cats replicate it all. So, here are 25 rib-tickling cat memes that you can connect well with.

1. Tired of doing nothing


2. Fitness "goals"


3. Brain not braining


4. The two personalities


5. A happening summer


6. Dreading the aftermath 


7. Zero social skills


8. Appearances can be deceiving


9. The true introvert


10. Reality of life


11. Never enough sleep


12. How's your 2024?


13. Work over life


14. Fear of financials


15. Contributing to science


16. Heights of procrastination


17. Awkward


18. Monday motivation


19. Need to get it together


20. No memory, no secrets


21. Sleep = Priority


22. A total waste of time


23. One of those days


24. When listening is hard


25. Crazy weekends


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