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25 pun-tastic memes guaranteed to have wordplay enthusiasts say ‘well pun!’

These 25 meme-orable puns will not only brighten your day but also have you grinning from ear to ear and pun-dering all day long!

25 pun-tastic memes guaranteed to have wordplay enthusiasts say ‘well pun!’
Cover Image Source: Facebook | (L) Michael Card | (R) Michael Armstrong

When people scroll the internet during breaks from work or studying, they’re often searching for a quick escape from stress. What better way to unwind than with a collection of relatable memes and clever puns? Whether it’s a movie reference, political satire, or a joke about work-life struggles, a pinch of puns goes a long way in brightening up the day.

Beyond providing amusement and stress relief, these posts are great for sharing with friends to bond over relatable humor. This is where an interesting Facebook group called "Unappreciated Puns" comes in. The "about" section of the Facebook group mentions that "despite their name, puns are appreciated there." So scroll through this curated list of 25 puns and jokes that are not only funny and creative but also offer unexpected twists in some frames. 

1. Interesting flat tire

Image Source: Facebook | Michael Card
Image Source: Facebook | Michael Card

2. Better than silly tricks

Image Source: Facebook | Michael Armstrong
Image Source: Facebook | Michael Armstrong

3. Sure they will

Image Source: Facebook | Steve Kelk
Image Source: Facebook | Steve Kelk

4. Technically he is right

Image Source: Facebook | TJ Jarvis
Image Source: Facebook | TJ Jarvis

5. Way too many vowels

Image Source: Facebook | Nathan Boulton
Image Source: Facebook | Nathan Boulton

6. This is a serious issue

Image Source: Facebook | Carl Evans
Image Source: Facebook | Carl Evans

7. Ex-terminators are useful

Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens
Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens

8. A bunch of funny signs

Image Source: Facebook | Odile Lambert
Image Source: Facebook | Odile Lambert

9. All bark no bite indeed

Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens
Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens

10. What are the rules of this sport?

Image Source: Facebook | Victoria Vilena
Image Source: Facebook | Victoria Vilena

11. At least it's delicious

Image Source: Facebook | Colleen Patino
Image Source: Facebook | Colleen Patino

12. It makes sense

Image Source: Facebook | Kathy Patterson
Image Source: Facebook | Kathy Paterson

13. Humans get their coffee from the same place too

Image Source: Facebook | Katherine Lee Rodriguez
Image Source: Facebook | Katherine Lee Rodriguez

14. We can't scale it

Image Source: Facebook | Luis Felipe Cunha
Image Source: Facebook | Luis Felipe Cunha

15. That smells like trouble

Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens
Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens

16. Now Abel has to do everything

Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens
Image Source: Facebook | Don Mullens

17. A hint of dark humor

Image Source: Facebook | Paul Jeremy
Image Source: Facebook | Paul Jeremy

18. Later alligator!

Image Source: Facebook | Samie Paradise
Image Source: Facebook | Samie Paradise

19. That's double irony

Image Source: Facebook | Colleen Patino
Image Source: Facebook | Colleen Patino

20. Let's hope not

Image Source: Facebook | Colleen Patino
Image Source: Facebook | Colleen Patino

21. An alarming message

Image Source: Facebook | Tabitha Adams
Image Source: Facebook | Tabitha Adams

22. Mite got some puns too

Image Source: Facebook | Nathan Boulton
Image Source: Facebook | Nathan Boulton

23. Only Kenny Loggins fans will understand

Image Source: Facebook | Erin Owings
Image Source: Facebook | Erin Owings

24. Only stumps left behind

Image Source: Facebook | Everett Yeoh
Image Source: Facebook | Everett Yeoh

25. That's a great promotion

Image Source: Facebook | Zia Ahad
Image Source: Facebook | Zia Ahad


You can follow Unappreciated Puns on Facebook for more funny content.

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