The boomers often reminisce about the vibe of their time - the cool retro music, vintage cars, printed menus in restaurants and handwritten letters.
People, especially the younger generation, might believe that with technology and changing times, life has gotten easier. But in reality, many are of the opinion that life was less complicated in the bygone era, when we didn't rely on technology all the time. We often think about how the older generation born in the 20th century, who are referred to as "boomers" on the internet, had to adapt to unprecedented changes in society post World War II. But still, this generation had ample time on their hands to spend quality moments in nature and with their family. They had issues to tackle, such as low rate of unemployment, and inflation but this generation also witnessed rapid growth in the American economy. With the evolving country, a lot of traditions and practices were lost in time. The boomers (born between 1945 to 1965) often reminisce about the vibe of their time - the cool retro music, vintage cars, old-school printed menus in restaurants and handwritten letters.
History professor named Dr. Eladio B. Bobadilla asked Twitter users, "What makes you go - 'I am with the boomers on this one?'" and in no time, netizens jumped in to share their complaints and revisit those nostalgic times when things used to be simpler. The tweet has been viewed over 70 million times since it was posted on June 2023. As people continue to share their thoughts on the historian's question, we have rounded up 25 legit instances where people felt that boomers had it better in their time.
Honoring your elders and ancestors plus the knowledge and history they contain. Respecting the past in order to understand our future.
— Chris the Poetic Historian ✍🏽 🪐 (@CLBpoetry) June 25, 2023
Cash > Cashless
— M. (@mxndxyluv) June 25, 2023
Reading on paper > On computer or phone
Early to airport
Writing physical thank you notes and Christmas cards. Sending pre-printed thank you and photo cards and just signing them is the worst.
— Cheryl Price (@cherylprice) June 25, 2023
It's important to write letters to the people you love. Don't forget how to write letters!
— Meg Cronin (@Mbyrnecro) June 25, 2023
Maybe this one is just personal, but spending time outside with my dad - fishing, canoeing, camping, hiking at state parks.
— Andrew Houck (@AHouckinFrance) June 25, 2023
Appliances don’t need to be connected to the internet
— Brandon Christensen (@TheNewBrandonC) June 25, 2023
Honoring plans that you make. Like I get it, sometimes you need to cancel on someone for your own well being, but I’ve also seen so many “thirty people rsvp’d to my party and only two showed up” to think that all of the cancellations are fair.
— MeghanJG, Feminist Killjoy (@MeghanJG) June 25, 2023
Headphone jacks shouldn't have gone. Don't get me wrong, I'm cool with bluetooth, but wires were not nearly the inconvenience people thought they were. At least not enough to outright get rid of the option entirely
— St☆r (@Staris_Reborn) June 26, 2023
Social media is ruining society.
— Christa Blackmon (@TheOdalisque) June 26, 2023
Or rather we became so enamoured with social media we ignored the harm it could cause and now we’re in a “dark age”.
Car keys that cost $6.00 to replace, not $360.00 dollars.
— Josh Schrank (@schrank_josh) July 23, 2023
People should be able to graduate from high school and get a secure union job with a pension, and they should be able to buy a home with their normal job money.
— (@tremonenta) June 25, 2023
Also food and beverages. It is almost impossible to comprehend how bad American food was before the boomers. And coffee, and beer.
— TheHistoryOfTheAmericans (@TheHistoryOfTh2) June 25, 2023
When I had someone cash and they look surprised
— The American Stoic @ (@StoicAmerican) June 26, 2023
People need stop ghosting each other for whatever reason and be more direct, learn how to keep friendships
— Melody Lindsey Kaiserin (@witchnovel) June 25, 2023
CARS!!! I don’t understand why humanity collectively stopped producing gorgeous looking cars like we did throughout the 50’s - 70’s. Cars just don’t look pretty anymore, why can’t we make them look like this?? 😭
— Ella Thompson (@Ellathoompson) June 26, 2023
People complaining about the pay of the jobs they applied for😭
— Prínxe😮💨🇭🇹 (@prxnceofpussy1) June 26, 2023
In terms of appreciating nature, I stand with the Boomers.
— Dee Wayne (@DeeWaynee94) June 25, 2023
It’s good to disconnect from technology occasionally and enjoy the simple beauty around us.