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25 posts that remind us that the world is still full of good and kind-hearted people

Every act of kindness done has the power to positively impact and inspire someone to become a better person.

25 posts that remind us that the world is still full of good and kind-hearted people
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @globalpositivenews

When you are having a dull day, a post or a meme containing a dose of hope and optimism lightens up your mood, right? That's the power of good things, no matter in which form you find it. It can be a personal experience, a news, a viral clip or simply a photograph. And a page on Instagram has been garnering a lot of attention for sharing all things positive and good. The Instagram page of Global Positive News, aptly named 'Good News' (@globalpositivenews), emerges as a refreshing oasis of hope and happiness. It's a one-stop destination to find news that isn't bad at all. Every post cheers you up with heartwarming stories and uplifting headlines. 

Good News is on a mission to remind us that the world is not entirely bereft of goodness and joy. In this listicle, we've curated 25 of their most encouraging and uplifting posts, each proof of the incredible acts of kindness, resilience, and positivity that are still very much alive in our world today. It's time to rediscover the good in the world through the lens of Good News!

1. The bridge is now adorned with hundreds of collars, harnesses, tags and photos.

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2. Laughter therapy improves heart health by increasing oxygen flow and expanding arteries.

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3. Luis made a new routine with Capito and became more active. 

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4. RIP Medical Debt is a national nonprofit, founded in 2014, that purchases bad medical debt and forgives it.

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5. When Karen's co-worker Cassie Gray heard about the burglary, she decided to set up a GoFundMe page. 

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6. He walked unnoticed into the lobby and settled comfortably on a couch, where he quietly went to sleep.

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7. Now, whenever the couple visits for their usual order, the staff greets him saying: "It’s Grandpa!"

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8. After several police officers were killed in Dallas in 2016, Rosalyn Baldwin decided to spread positivity.

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9. Firefighter Megan Warfield, 30, was nine months pregnant when she got involved in a multi-car collision. 

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10. After reading about it on Facebook, the Town of Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities presented Gabe with a $200 gift card, which was subsequently matched by Target.

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11. The baby was then placed back inside the womb and Margaret was on bed rest for 12 more weeks.

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12. Some solid dad wisdom right there!

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13. They were dressed up as zombies, witches and monsters while Alexandros watched in awe.

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14. When he was 9 years old, his teachers at school were constantly annoyed that he kept doodling in class and he often got in trouble for it.

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15. As Dean marks 35 years on the road, he also celebrates his 39th wedding anniversary.

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16. This amount of money is less than half the cost of Russia’s moon south-pole lander, which was $200 million and failed. 

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17. In 2008, the Finnish government implemented the "Housing First" program in an attempt to solve homelessness.

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18. He treated the girl with such care and affection that she was inspired to become a doctor as well.

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19. As a child, Carl Allamby had one dream - to become a doctor.

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20. They found a business card inside the wallet and called the phone number.

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21. His goal was to earn money for school clothes.

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22. In September 2023, Danish toy maker Lego Group started selling packs of bricks for visually impaired children. 

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23. This year, the zoo achieved significant conservation success with the hatching of four gharials.

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24. Ohio couple Scierra Blair and fiance José Ervin share the same August 18 birthday. 

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25. In 2017, Japanese television director Shiro Oguni started a unique initiative.

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