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25 people share why you don't need to have your life figured out by the age of 25

You are told to join the rat race during high school itself. However, these are 25 hopeful opinions that say otherwise.

25 people share why you don't need to have your life figured out by the age of 25
Representative Cover Image Source: (L)Photo by Anna Shvets/Pexels (R)Twitter/@deanBarry

Everyone's goal is to make something of themselves in the world. From childhood, we have a dream to be something. As we grow, we keep re-structuring this dream. When we're in high school, the pressure sets in. You have to have the rest of your life thought out and planned. The general misconception is if you don't have it figured out by 18, you never will. Well, they're wrong. 

Representative Image Source: Photo by Pixabay/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Photo by Pixabay/Pexels


Many young people get stressed in their early adult years, trying to fix life all at once. As for adults, they often give up thinking they're too "old" to achieve what they dreamed of. We miss the point of living and learning because of the misconception that life should be crystal clear by 25. Twitter users joined hands to challenge this notion after @IAmAaronWill tweeted that one "makes or breaks" their life between the ages of 18 and 25. Here are 25 examples that prove otherwise:

1. There's no fixed time 


2. You're still living young!


3. There's more to pay attention to than a career


4. Either this or that


5. Finding yourself



6.  Not so fast 


7.  All great at 58 


8. Yeah, no. 


9.  25 does not define life


10. Habits and learning 



Representative Image Source: Photo by Philip  Boakye/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Photo by Philip Boakye/Pexels

11.  Give yourself a break 


12. There's no time limit


13. Best at 49


14. First live 



15.  20s are just a phase



16.  Age is no barrier 


17.  Consider Julia Child 


18. Don't limit yourself 


19.  It's a constant 


20.  Baby adults



Representative Image Source: Photo by KoolShooters/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Photo by KoolShooters/Pexels

21. Away with the toxicity


22.  It's your life, don't let others set deadlines


23. As long as you're alive


24.  Life is  a journey not a race


25. Take it from Stan Lee



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