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25 parents share the most adorable and heartwarming moments with their kids

Childhood is a true joyride and these parents are sharing some of the best moments with their children.

25 parents share the most adorable and heartwarming moments with their kids
Cover Image Source: Reddit | r/KidsAreBeinWholesome

Childhood is a time we all cherish and appreciate. Our parents always have emotional, funny and heartwarming stories from our childhood. We have a few memories of our own, from making friends in school and enjoying our summer vacations with our loved ones to watching our favorite TV shows, it was indeed a joy ride. Moreover, it is a time of unlimited curiosity and innocence and for this reason, it contains some of our fondest memories.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau

From stories of saving the lives of their loved ones and expressing our love for our parents despite all odds to caring for the planet to hugging and offering care to pets, we bring you 25 posts that show how kids can touch our hearts without even trying with their innocence. These posts from parents about how their kids' actions truly touched them will remind you of your childhood or your loved ones and bring a smile and maybe a tear or two.

1. A matter of life and death:

Reddit | u/Relan42
Reddit | u/Relan42

2. He picked one:

Reddit | r/aww
Reddit | r/aww

3. Love you, Dad:

Reddit | u/PoutineMaker
Reddit | u/PoutineMaker

4. Kindness:

Reddit | u/Good_Natured_Guy
Reddit | u/Good_Natured_Guy

5. That's a princess:

Reddit | u/WigglyButtNugget
Reddit | u/WigglyButtNugget

6. Power up:

Reddit | u/clashallie
Reddit | u/clashallie

7. That's my daddy:

Reddit | u/ValentineMeow
Reddit | u/ValentineMeow

8. Look out for the planet:

Reddit | u/dmcattack
Reddit | u/dmcattack

9. 6-years-old:

Reddit | u/ruckusfuckus96
Reddit |u/ruckusfuckus96

10. Hide and seek with a toddler:

Reddit | u/RebekhaG
Reddit | u/RebekhaG

11. I want to be pants:

Reddit | u/noodlenoodles88
Reddit | u/noodlenoodles88

12. Healing hugs:

Reddit | u/toadby
Reddit | u/toadby

13. It takes Pancakes:


14. Feel your feelings:


15. It was Getty Images:

Reddit | u/NoLongerNorwaysTroll
Reddit | u/NoLongerNorwaysTroll

16. The window is open:


17. Sacrifices we make:

Reddit | u/sundayray
Reddit | u/sundayray

18. Detective dudes:

Reddit | u/expiredbagels
Reddit | u/expiredbagels

19. Cupcake:

Reddit | RebelAhsoka
Reddit | RebelAhsoka

20. My nephew in my family:

Reddit | u/itsjablesdude
Reddit | u/itsjablesdude

21. Kids expressing love:

Image Source: Reddit | AlphaSpoon
Image Source: Reddit | u/AlphaSpoon

22. No meanie words:

Reddit | u/vyx-xd
Reddit | u/vyx-xd

23. Flowers for you:

Reddit | u/scott44314
Reddit | u/scott44314

24. He needed a hug:

Reddit | u/catwranglerX
Reddit | u/thecatwranglerX

25. Sets up a picnic table:

Reddit | Sareboat18
Reddit | Sareboat18

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