Despite being less than perfect on a lot of fronts, it's undeniable that there are still some things Americans do right and here's a little reminder.
Let's be honest, America isn't exactly high on the popularity scale right now. With videos of Kevins and Karens running amok going viral across the world and the Commander in Chief himself spewing verbal vomit on Twitter every day, the United States has somewhat fallen out of grace before its peers. However, despite being less than perfect on a lot of fronts, it's undeniable that there are still some things Americans do right. And since we could all use a little refresher at the moment, Reddit user u/Imsosadsoveryverysad recently took to the AskReddit subreddit with this question: "Non-Americans of Reddit, what are the positives of America that you see?"
Here's how 25 non-Americans answered that question: