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25 ludicrous 'unique inspirational quotes' produced by AI that's got us cackling

Maybe it's best not to put artificial intelligence in charge of providing our daily dose of motivation. But these sure are hilarious.

25 ludicrous 'unique inspirational quotes' produced by AI that's got us cackling
Cover Image Source: InspiroBot

People rely on artificial intelligence to perform various tasks these days. Many scientists agree that AI has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. Whether it is for writing your last-minute research papers, shaping up your resume or generating spectacular images straight out of your imagination, AI has become a part of our daily lives. However, perhaps there are a few avenues best not left to artificial intelligence. Inspirational quote writing, for example.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

The proof of this lies in the form of the AI tool, InspiroBot. The tool introduces itself as "an artificial intelligence dedicated to generating unlimited amounts of unique inspirational quotes for endless enrichment of pointless human existence." As the description suggests, the inspirational quotes generated by this AI tool are often bizarre and take not-so-subtle digs at humankind.

While some of them strangely do seem to have some truth behind them, most are the ramblings of a hallucinating mind at best. While InspiroBot may not have perfected the inspirational part of its duties, it sure is hilarious. So, here are 25 of the most ridiculously funny images generated by this motivational machine, which will probably give you a burst of good laughter even if it fails to become your source of inspiration.

1. There are other professions

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

2. Let's ask the raindrops

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

3. What happens to the people on the boat?

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

4. Underrated

Image Source: InspiroBot
Image Source: InspiroBot

5. Does that make you a song?

Image Source: InspiroBot
Image Source: InspiroBot

6. Who else is regretting glory?

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

7. Shoutout to all the Scorpios in the world

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

8. An introvert's mantra

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

9. What does that even mean?

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

10. Ignore the economy if you want to stay poor

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

11. Nothing too heavy for an elephant

Image Source: InspiroBot
Image Source: InspiroBot

12. We'll take it

Image Source: InspiroBot
Image Source: InspiroBot

13. Important PSA

Image Source: InspiroBot
Image Source: InspiroBot

14. Maybe it is the same thing

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

15. What if one has neither?

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

16. A complex personality

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

17. You are your biggest critic

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

18. It really could in the right—or wrong—context

Image Source: InspiroBot
Image Source: InspiroBot

19. They might be creepy

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

20. We bet many people can do this

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

21. Beg to differ

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

22. Has Marvel taught us nothing?

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

23. This feels way too personal!

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

24. Umm...

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

25. When all our limbic motions are non-sensical

Image Source: Inspirobot
Image Source: InspiroBot

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