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25 hilarious literary memes that avid bookworms will understand and appreciate all too well

Get ready to laugh your way through some classic literature with Spark Notes' hilarious literary memes on Instagram!

25 hilarious literary memes that avid bookworms will understand and appreciate all too well
Cover Image Source: Instagram/SparkNotes Official

If you're a bookworm, you know the pain of struggling through a lengthy classic novel, trying to decipher dense language and convoluted plotlines. But fear not, dear reader, for Spark Notes is here to save the day!

For those of you who aren't in the know, Spark Notes is a website that provides study guides and summaries of various literary works. It's basically CliffNotes for the digital age. And now, they've taken their expertise to the world of social media with their very own Instagram account.

From poking fun at Shakespeare's complex language to riffing on the themes of "The Great Gatsby," these memes are a literary lover's dream come true. 

So whether you're a fan of "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "The Catcher in the Rye," Spark Notes has got you covered with their witty memes that are sure to brighten up your day. Grab a cup of tea and get ready to laugh your way through some classic literature.

1. Sorry folks, this joke is so ancient that only the OG 44 B.C. squad will be able to catch its drift!!



2. Laughing so hard, we might need a Winston-approved asthma inhaler!


3. From zero to meltdown in 2.5 seconds


4. Cackling over this one



5. It's all about how you handle it



6. You know what they say, "behind every crying Jane is a sneaky fortune teller."


7. These memes are reaching for the stars and beyond


8. Am I the drama?



9. Bwahahaha!


10. Recall the shock, it was a real knee-knocker!


11. It seems that Jody's personality is finally catching up to the rest of us who have been old and grumpy for years


12. I vote for a test drive, what say you?


13. It's me, hi, I'm the problem... it's me


14. The purrfect gatsby



15. Classic us 















16. Watch out for those Roy-alties, they come bearing gifts!


17. Vibe check


18. This is comedy gold! Someone call the Academy Awards!


19. So true!



20. Do you love rochester?


21. Oh my gosh!


22. So true old sport, so true!


23. The OG "you had ONE job!"


24. If you're feeling unproductive, this meme is just what the doctor ordered!


25.  Last one, promise! 



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