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25 hilariously weird notes from neighbors that will have you rolling with laughter

A quirky neighbor can have a big impact on your home experience, and these notes capture it perfectly.

25 hilariously weird notes from neighbors that will have you rolling with laughter
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @neighborsfromhell

Neighbors are often the first people we turn to in emergencies or even just for everyday help. Their proximity gives them an accessibility that friends and family may not always have. Many people choose their homes based on the community, but while it’s easy to gauge a neighborhood's vibe before moving in, it's harder to truly know what your future neighbors will be like.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

Some people are lucky enough to have wonderful neighbors who feel like family, but not everyone is so fortunate. In a page dedicated to terrible neighbors on Instagram called Neighbors From Hell (@neighborsfromhell), we learn about the things one can face due to having absurdly amusing neighbors. To make your day better, we have curated 25 of the most fun posts from this page that will make you roll on the floor with laughter.

1. No one deserves this. Not even the Easter Bunny

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2. "I have a Ph.D. in dangle angles"

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3. "5 out of 6 blocks surveyed recommended switching it up"

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4. Sorry (not sorry), wrong delivery!

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5. Hipster vs Hobo

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6. COVID or no COVID, we just want the construction to be finished

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7. A little old to be trick or treating? 

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8. "The hero we never knew we needed"

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9. For added effect, please read in a "Borat" voice

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10. Hey, secret Spider-Man, there's a note for you!

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11. "Maybe leave the slime to the professionals at Nickelodeon"

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12. Excuse me, Sir! No space for dirty laundry here

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13. Nobody is interested in his Larry

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14. Nothing, just Amazon delivering loud music along with ordered products

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15. Eddie knows all

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16. "I don’t even think about you at all"

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17. Dump Ryan, please 

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18. Dude has his preferences set - Heinz or nothing

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19. "The dog has matched a sound wave that only people with horrible grammar can hear"

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20. Please welcome a new "Looney Tunes" character

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21. Pop it, maybe?

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22. Who let the dogs out?

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23. A lease to remember

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24. "15 cents? Poor Larry"

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25. Do not say we did not warn you

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You can follow Neighbors From Hell (@neighborsfromhell) on Instagram for more 'neighbor' content.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 2, 2024. It has since been updated.

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