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25 hilarious reactions to a man letting an unwanted sweet potato grow in his home

In the weird realm of social media, sweet potato came out as a hero with hundreds in the audience advocating for its survival.

25 hilarious reactions to a man letting an unwanted sweet potato grow in his home
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Jorge Romero; (R) Twitter | @yikingtons

Social media is a lot of things. It is funny, sarcastic, sad, and sometimes downright bizarre. Only in the realm of social media, can an egg surpass American royalty, Kylie Jenner, in terms of likes. Continuing with the pattern, now social media has come to the rescue of a sweet potato. On X, previously known as Twitter, a viral post has been making rounds in which a roommate (@yikingtons) is venting their frustrations about their roommate for growing an unwanted sprouted sweet potato in their home.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mark Stebnicki
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mark Stebnicki

Shockingly for them, something that they posted as a regular life update has gained an impressive amount of traction with people coming to the potato's rescue. Some even went ahead and made life philosophies out of it. Here are 25 quotes the post garnered that are enough to make anyone's head scratch and make them evaluate the importance of a sweet potato.

1. It is not a sweet potato but a 'beautiful work of nature'.


2. Sweet potato is a Rapunzel who has no idea that a world exists outside the cupboard.


3. It does not feed but provides emotional support.


4. People wanted to protect the man's unconventional interest.



5. Roommate has no eye for the divine.



6. It is not a weird phenomenon and some people actually have such a plant.


7. She was warned of the consequences.


8. Future can be more glorious with the sweet potato than without it.


9. Some were on the same ship but with more!



10. Some could understand the fear.


11. There is proof of sweet potato's power in fiction. Respect it.


12. Sweet potato deserves to finish its pursuits.


13. What goes around can come around.


14. The tweet is a personality test. Tread Carefully.


15. Just because it is not in the soil does not mean it does not have the right to live.


16. Men are allowed to be emotional even if it is for a sweet potato.


17. Some were genuinely concerned.



18. Man had support for prioritizing the sweet potato.


19. Let him be.


20. That's his baby. Have some empathy!


21. There is only one answer.


22. Only a monster is capable of hurting the innocent sweet potato.



23. The possibilities are infinite.


24. Respect the sweet potato's rights.


25. The beautiful baby does not deserve cruelty.


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