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25 hilarious memes that we are sending to out friends to brighten up their day instantly

25 hilarious memes from a popular page on Instagram can be sent to vanish someone's blues in a matter of seconds.

25 hilarious memes that we are sending to out friends to brighten up their day instantly
Cover Image Source: Instagram | (L) @justmemes; (R) @introvertsworldwide1

Long have gone the days of wordy messages where people poured their hearts out. Now, memes are the method of communication the fast-paced generation has chosen. Even though they might give off the most casual vibes in the world, the process of making them is anything but easy. They need to strike the right chords to give people a few seconds of laughter amidst the daily hustle. It should be relatable but simultaneously make people feel elated, not depressed, seeing the snippets of their lives. Memes can be related to anything and everything under the sun, from animals and work life to relationships. If anyone is on the lookout for perfect memes to spread joy, look no further than The Queen Of Sarcasm L (@thequeenofsarcasml) on Instagram, which features a goldmine of them from all corners of life.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

As the name suggests, the memes on the page take a sarcastic view of life. The posts share the various aspects of modern life with its dull routine, rare Ws and meaningless worries. Ultimately, the page is proof that no matter how alone humans might feel, they are on the same boat in this journey called life. Here are the 25 best ones from the page to use as a dose of caffeine while stuck in a rut.

1. Being active on weekends? You must be joking.

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A post shared by Introverts World Wide (@introvertsworldwide1)


2. Spontaneity is not the virtue of this generation

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A post shared by Introvert Minds (@introvertminds.m)


3. Sleep is the love of my life

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A post shared by Introverts World Wide (@introvertsworldwide1)


4. If you know someone from inside, chances are you don't know them outside

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A post shared by Antisocial Memes (@antisocial_memes1)


5. Correct time? What is that?

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A post shared by The Queen of Memes L (@justmemes.l)


6. The middle path is the best

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A post shared by Addams Girl (@addams_girl)


7. Animals are the apple of people's life

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A post shared by Fluent Sarcasam L (@fluentsarcasml)


8. It's hell everywhere

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A post shared by Antisocial Memes (@antisocial_memes1)


9. Food is life

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A post shared by Mental Health | Self Care✨🦾 (@mental_warrior1)


10. After some time people get over the shenanigan that is life

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A post shared by The Queen Of Sarcasm L (@thequeenofsarcasml)


11. There's only one time when someone is happy at work

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A post shared by The Queen Of Sarcasm L (@thequeenofsarcasml)


12. A cute bird makes everything better

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A post shared by The Queen Of Sarcasm L (@thequeenofsarcasml)


13. Vigilance never hurt anyone

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A post shared by Antisocial Memes (@antisocial_memes1)


14. Past version - delulu to the max

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A post shared by Antisocial Memes (@antisocial_memes1)


15. Dogs have a place everywhere

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A post shared by The Queen Of Sarcasm L (@thequeenofsarcasml)


16. Reels are the new way to express love

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A post shared by Introverts World Wide (@introvertsworldwide1)


17. Some memories get lost. Deal with it.

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A post shared by The Queen Of Sarcasm L (@thequeenofsarcasml)


18. Nothing remains hunky-dory forever

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A post shared by Addams Girl (@addams_girl)


19. Being employed is not everyone's cup of tea

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A post shared by Addams Girl (@addams_girl)


20. Budgeting can and will happen

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A post shared by Antisocial Memes (@antisocial_memes1)


21. It is a freaking loop

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A post shared by Introvert Minds (@introvertminds.m)


22. Art to pretend is strong

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A post shared by Addams Girl (@addams_girl)


23. There is no correct choice

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A post shared by Antisocial Memes (@antisocial_memes1)


24. First impression is the last impression

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A post shared by Addams Girl (@addams_girl)


25. Childhood can never be forgotten

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A post shared by Addams Girl (@addams_girl)


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