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25 hilarious memes that are helping us get through this work week and ignore life's stress

The list of 25 images is sure to sprinkle a little joy, break the monotony and make you realize the pleasure of simple things. 

25 hilarious memes that are helping us get through this work week and ignore life's stress
Cover Image Source: Reddit | (L) u/MidnightBabe_ | (R) u/PhoenixisLegnd

Life is not linear; everyone goes through equal good and bad days. There are days marked by cotton candy skies petrichor of the first rain. On the other hand, there are days when time seems to slow down and we need some motivation to even get through the day. During such times, we need a small push or motivation that helps us get up from bed.

Representative Image Source:  Pixabay | Pexels
Representative Image Source: Pixabay | Pexels

Some adorable memes perfectly combine motivation and laughter on challenging days. They make everyone laugh, giggle and forget about the stressors of life for a few seconds. Subreddit r/blessedimages is a goldmine for such memes. The list of 25 images is sure to sprinkle a little joy and break the monotony.

1. Loyal doggo

Image Source: Reddit | u/Seraphic-Chatterbox
Image Source: Reddit | u/Seraphic-Chatterbox

2. Aww 

Image Source: Reddit | u/Priscilla-Mistral
Image Source: Reddit | u/Priscilla-Mistral

3. The best reaction doesn't ex...

Image Source: Reddit | u/Kimsameul
Image Source: Reddit | u/Kimsameul

4. Blessed hat

Image Source: Reddit | u/prinkyfall
Image Source: Reddit | u/prinkyfall

5. They are learning

Image Source: Reddit | u/Girrll_Miss
Image Source: Reddit | u/Girrll_Miss

6. Sharing is natural

Image Source: Reddit | u/Kimsameul
Image Source: Reddit | u/Kimsameul

7. Thanks, bye!

Image Source: Reddit | u/Seraphic-Chatterbox
Image Source: Reddit | u/Seraphic-Chatterbox

8. Blessed hairstyle

Image Source: Reddit | u/Pettall_Shy
Image Source: Reddit | u/Pettall_Shy

9. Oh wow!

Image Source: Reddit | u/Classsy_Buzz
Image Source: Reddit | u/Classsy_Buzz

10. Halloween ready!

Image Source: Reddit | u/EndersGame_Reviewer
Image Source: Reddit | u/EndersGame_Reviewer

11. Spizard

Image Source: Reddit | u/driving_gilly9360
Image Source: Reddit | u/driving_gilly9360

12. Best bad news ever!

Image Source: Reddit | u/Trendy_Pettal
Image Source: Reddit | u/Trendy_Pettal

13.  Learn from dogs, have some faith!

Image Source: Reddit | u/BeeeHonneyy
Image Source: Reddit | u/BeeeHonneyy

14. Could it get any more cuter than this?

Image Source: Reddit | u/Roose_Mommy
Image Source: Reddit | u/Roose_Mommy

15. Amazeballs!

Image Source: Reddit | u/unaware_adeline9206
Image Source: Reddit | u/unaware_adeline9206

16. Cowboy cucumbers

Image Source: Reddit
| u/EndersGame_Reviewer
Image Source: Reddit | u/EndersGame_Reviewer

17. Home decor at its best!

Image Source: Reddit | u/MidnightBabe_
Image Source: Reddit | u/MidnightBabe_

18. Look closer to see his achievement

Image Source: Reddit | u/PerfectHat751
Image Source: Reddit | u/PerfectHat751

19. Once a cutie, always a cutie!

Image Source: Reddit | u/BadBiancaa
Image Source: Reddit | u/BadBiancaa

20. Awwsome!

Image Source: Reddit | u/MidnightBabe_
Image Source: Reddit | u/MidnightBabe_

21.  Bob the builder!

Image Source: Reddit | u/MedicalInsurance8030
Image Source: Reddit | u/MedicalInsurance8030

22. A true friend

Image Source: Reddit | u/Pawggirlll
Image Source: Reddit | u/Pawggirlll

23. Art or what?

Image Source: Reddit | u/PhoenixisLegnd
Image Source: Reddit | u/PhoenixisLegnd

24. Happy collector

Image Source: Reddit | 
Image Source: Reddit | u/Victoriiiii

25. Heartfelt marketing

Image Source: Reddit | u/EndersGame_Reviewer
Image Source: Reddit | u/EndersGame_Reviewer

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