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25 hilarious memes reflecting the struggles of womanhood in the 21st century

If you are feeling down, overwhelmed or low on self-confidence, let these hilarious memes about womanhood get you back into your strong woman self.

 25 hilarious memes reflecting the struggles of womanhood in the 21st century
Cover Image Source: (L) Instagram /@laughing.chicks | (R) Instagram / @womansmeme

Let's face it, it is not easy being a woman, no matter how much we deny it. To be surrounded by people who give their unsolicited opinion on your life and what you should do with it is a daily struggle and does not seem to get any better. Being a woman in the 21st century is like nothing else. With patriarchy bumming us harder than ever, the need to move in packs at night because it is safer, not to mention the never-ending problem of not having enough clothes to wear, laced with the constant fear of eating too many carbs, is tiring. To be a woman in 2023 is tiring. To clarify, the statement, "I don't have anything to wear!" means we have things to wear, but we do not have anything to wear for who we need to be that specific day.

What women wear is substantial and not because we have a global fashion industry of $1.7 trillion and spend most of our spare time looking at luxury labels like Alaïa and Ralph Lauren and keeping an eye out for peak '90s It-girl details. While the woman of the 21st century has leaped over hurdles of stereotypes, some restrictions would take another hundred years to overturn. What better way to share our grievances than memes, which tend to be one of the best ways we communicate with each other? So if you are feeling down, overwhelmed or low on self-confidence, let these hilarious memes about womanhood get you back into your strong woman self.

1. Be with someone who likes pork pies


2. The time of the day, too


3. Selectively social 


4. Amen to that!


5. The only way to soothe the pain


6. "I can heal you."


7. Even breathing loudly becomes an offense


8. Never again


9. The most unhelpful group there is


10. I will give him 5 more minutes


 11. A boo who’ll pay for all my clothes


12. Or a bracelet


13. Give me that damn saucepan 


14. The flutters matter


15. Clap if you are guilty


16. The mood all year round:


17. Twilight is hands-down the best movie 


18. Man of my dreams


19. Bonus points for the ice cream truck


20. Tacotine's Day


21. What's for me will always be for me


22. The relish.


23. Choice is yours. Take it or leave it


24. Block, is bye. Repeat.


25. A little too accurate 


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