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25 hilarious memes about literature that we'd instantly forward to our favorite bookworms

Memes might just be the best way to encourage younger generations to know and learn more about literature.

25 hilarious memes about literature that we'd instantly forward to our favorite bookworms
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @sparknotes_

Literature is a wonderful thing to have and know in life. It shows us the beauty and nuances of worlds we're unfamiliar with and expands our horizons faster than any passport. In today's world, these same pieces of literature have lowkey become a parody of sorts to many owing to the fact that they aren't as instantly gratifying as social media. However, some of the best things in life are better enjoyed one page at a time.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

Sparknotes is a great source of information on literature in general. Their social media game, however, is even better. Going through their Instagram account, SparkNotes Official (@sparknotes_), is like looking at literature from a funny point of view. We have found 25 of the funniest and wittiest memes for you from their page and all we hope is that they inspire you to open pick up and indulge in a beautiful piece of literature today. Let's dive into this world of lengthy literature mixed with hilarious wit!

1. Not gonna lie, that's a great point 

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2. As a stressed-out adult, napping is the solution to all problems 

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3. Perfectly average

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4. Anyone want a good cathartic sob? 

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5. "What's up, hags?"

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6. Do you want me dead?

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7. Very Shakespearean

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8. Shut up about the sun

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9. Pretty please

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10. The resemblance is uncanny!

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11. Are they right or are they right?

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12. Seems like he didn't read the memo he wrote

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13. And yet we never learn 

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14. It's that time of the month

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15. That's the dream 

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16. The more, the messier

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17. To each their own (style)

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18. Do I accidentally spill my secrets? What, no. Absolutely not.

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19. He tried, just not hard enough

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20. No lesson was learned

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21. Try to take him seriously

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22. Wow, you don't love me at all!

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23. Who isn't?

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24. What more can the wingmen do?

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25. Not to be dramatic but WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA

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