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25 hilarious posts from Instagram that lead us to celebrate the art of sarcasm

Sarcasm can serve various purposes, from expressing frustration or criticism to offering social commentary or simply adding a touch of wit to a conversation.

25 hilarious posts from Instagram that lead us to celebrate the art of sarcasm
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @Scentof Sarcasm

Researchers have tried to study sarcasm every now and then. Even sarcasm-detecting devices have been invented by scientists and "The Simpsons." Some research reveals we need it to avoid direct and harsh criticism. They say it is a sort of true lie and the ability to detect the truth lies on detecting the sarcasm in a sentence. Other researchers argue that sarcasm does not intend to tone down the criticism.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

It is derived from the Greek word "sarkazein," which means to tear flesh like dogs, as reported by the Smithsonian Magazine. It aims to express both expectation and disappointment at the same time. While the research on sarcasm is going on, one thing is for sure, it does its job. It delivers the truth to us without completely demolishing our sense of self, as honest criticism might do. For this reason, our culture appreciates sarcasm every now and then.

What begins as a quest to be cool in teenage becomes a clever way to communicate as we grow up. Today, in the age of social media, we follow many pages that take care of our daily dose of sarcasm. One such page is @ScentofSarcasm on Instagram. We are bringing to you their 25 most sarcastic posts:

1. Embarrassed him, didn't you?

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2. The day is booked:

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3. The new cool:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


4. Aunts always win:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


5. We test patience here:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


6. The "big hoops" attitude:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


7. Fake laugh-digging:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


8. The gift has been given:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


9. Anti-therapy:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)



10. Tail detector test:

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11. You have been awarded:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


12. The two types of mornings:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


13. Live, laugh, love or not:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


14. Kinda rude but Ok:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


15. Just like your daughter:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


16. It is a personality type:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


17. Burning candles:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


18. They have a point:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


19. Before people start peopling:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


20. Maybe, always:

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A post shared by Scent Of Sarcasm (@scentofsarcasm)


21. I will do anything for you except:

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22. On fire:

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23. Tested positive:

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24. Apology:

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25. <3 does not mean 2:

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