Children bring a world of confusion, excitement, anxiety and amusing moments into the lives of their parents and here is just a small part of it.
Parenthood is a rollercoaster ride no one is prepared for. Children bring a world of confusion, excitement, anxiety and amusing moments into the lives of their parents. There are no warning signs to this ride and no end to baffling experiences. After some time of experience, parents might not be pros at parenting but they do become pros at kidding. Some of them even share amusing interactions with their kids or hilariously honest perceptions on social media.
As one parent shares their experience with another, a chain of memorable yet surprising events unfolds before us. Whether they parent an infant, toddler, middle schooler, or a teenager, a parent needs some space to laugh their exhaustion away. No matter how many parenting classes you attend, you might not be trained enough for the joyous yet exhilarating ride that awaits your laughter. Put on your seat belts and hold your belly. Here are 25 hilariously honest tweets from parents who've experienced it all.
I think you're supposed to look at this painting and think something terrible is written in the letter but as a mom I can tell you she's just trying to write a simple grocery list with a 4 year old around and she's given up all hope of ever finishing.
— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) August 22, 2023
My son wanted to know what the 90s were like so I left him on the side of the road without his phone.
— ERIC THE GREAT (@NotTodayEric) August 9, 2023
The 5-year-old has been limping around with a leg injury all morning and I would feel bad for her except the injury is “a fox bit her in her dream”
— Kristen Mulrooney (@missmulrooney) August 5, 2023
grandmas be like imma stay for a few days and reset your children back to factory settings
— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) August 2, 2023
Are you even a parent if you’ve never carried your child out of a store sideways like a surfboard?
— Kristen (@Kica333) August 11, 2023
It's important to set an alarm the first day of school, so you remember to pick up the kids
— meghan (@deloisivete) August 7, 2023
Told my mom I was frustrated with my kid and she reminded me when I was two I flushed an entire box of tampons down the toilet in the Chicago winter and froze the pipes and honestly why is she making this about her?
— @itssherifield (@itssherifield) August 8, 2023
My kids endurance levels:
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) August 11, 2023
- 90 minutes riding a bike
- 75 minutes chasing around a playground
- 60 minutes jumping at the trampoline park
- 2.5 minutes walking through a store
My kid: No, I have no idea where I left the remote 37 seconds ago.
— One Awkward Mom (@oneawkwardmom) August 2, 2023
Also my kid: Remember that time last year when you promised to take me to the playground but it rained, so we didn’t go because you never let me do anything?
The kids are asking for fun shaped sandwiches for their back-to-school lunches and I’m so flattered they’ve mistaken me for the kind of mother who would do that
— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) August 8, 2023
My daughter told me that I should be a little faster with her laundry and asked if I could fold things a little neater. She had a whole near-death experience and didn’t even realize.
— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) July 31, 2023
Weird how the first day of school also coincides with the first day anybody has ever driven a car.
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) August 10, 2023
I asked my 6yo how his day was at daycare and he said “I don’t even know what happened today”
— Kevin The Dad (@kevinthedad) August 8, 2023
Parenthood is so crazy. We're really out here getting bullied by the people we made.
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) August 17, 2023
Be kind, you never know who accidentally made eye contact with their teenager this morning
— Maryfairyboberry🧚🏻♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) August 2, 2023
6yo, looking at a cemetery: WAIT HOW CAN THEY ALL DIE IN ONE SPOT
— Dad Set Against (@DadSetAgainst) August 2, 2023
What I said: it’s bedtime
— meghan (@deloisivete) August 21, 2023
What my kid heard: put on a Batman mask and check the hallways for crime
my sister-in-law: sometimes happiness is hard to find.
— Daddy Go Fish (@daddygofish) August 13, 2023
my 8yo, whispering to me: you should tell her the corner store has blue slurpees.
The eight year old: I wrote another book, my best one yet
— Amber Sparks (@ambernoelle) August 22, 2023
Me: That’s so great, do you think you’ll be a writer when you grow up?
Her: *stares* Did you not hear me, I wrote books. I’m a writer already
My kid came home, poured some skittles into a wine glass, and flung himself onto the couch, so I guess he had a rough day
— meghan (@deloisivete) August 11, 2023
Toddlers be like, we can do this the hard way or the harder way.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) August 8, 2023
Paid $75 to take the family to the zoo so my toddler could ooh and ahh over a caterpillar in the parking lot.
— MumOfTwo (@MumOfTw0) August 19, 2023
Google Photos is like, "Hey look we made you a very unflattering slideshow of all the pictures your 3yo took of your double chin and set it to whimsical classical music, you're welcome"
— ALEX (@itsalexvance) August 9, 2023
Nonparents be like: I would simply instruct the toddler to do something he doesnt want to do, and he would obey
— sarah radz (@sarahradz_) August 3, 2023
Everyone thinks their kids are normal until you’re leaving instructions for a sitter and you’re like, “do not open the applesauce pouch all the way- open it halfway, hand it to him, and back away slowly. Also he has to sleep with 3 pacifiers and Lightning McQueen.”
— emily (@emilykmay) August 10, 2023