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25 hilarious and honest tweets that capture different sides of the parenting journey

Children bring a world of confusion, excitement, anxiety and amusing moments into the lives of their parents and here is just a small part of it.

25 hilarious and honest tweets that capture different sides of the parenting journey
Cover Image Source: Twitter | @BunAndLeggings; Twitter | @sarahradz_

Parenthood is a rollercoaster ride no one is prepared for. Children bring a world of confusion, excitement, anxiety and amusing moments into the lives of their parents. There are no warning signs to this ride and no end to baffling experiences. After some time of experience, parents might not be pros at parenting but they do become pros at kidding. Some of them even share amusing interactions with their kids or hilariously honest perceptions on social media.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vidal Balielo Jr.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vidal Balielo Jr.

As one parent shares their experience with another, a chain of memorable yet surprising events unfolds before us. Whether they parent an infant, toddler, middle schooler, or a teenager, a parent needs some space to laugh their exhaustion away. No matter how many parenting classes you attend, you might not be trained enough for the joyous yet exhilarating ride that awaits your laughter. Put on your seat belts and hold your belly. Here are 25 hilariously honest tweets from parents who've experienced it all.

1. Grocery list 


2. 'No phone' life


3. In your dreams 


4. Factory settings


5. Surfboard child


6. Comes with experience


7. The right 'not-the-right' moment


8. Sensible report


9. Got too real 


10. Not this mom 


11. Too close 


12. The wrong first day 


13. Learning life well


14. Birthing bullies


15. Scary moments



16. I wonder how


17. It's Bat-time


18. That ain't wrong


19. Born a writer


20. Such rough days


21. A little too aware


22. So worth it


23. Chin shaming Google


24. How even?


25. All normal here


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