One Redditor unearthed a wealth of information on life outside America when he took to the AskReddit forum with this question: Ex-Americans of Reddit, how has your life changed since moving out of the US?
I'm sure there have been times in every one of our lives when we seriously contemplated moving abroad. A new land, new people, new rules, new customs, new social contracts... a completely new start. As romantic as the notion is, there are a lot of small aspects that need to be considered before actually making the move. And since time is the best teacher, who better to give us an idea of all the unanticipated ways in which one's life changes after leaving the US than someone who's actually done it? Redditor u/whizzythorne unearthed a wealth of information on life outside America when he took to the AskReddit forum with this question: Ex-Americans of Reddit, how has your life changed since moving out of the US?
Here's how 25 former Americans answered: