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25 bizzare and fascinating artefacts from history that challenge perception of reality

From Victorian mustache-saving mugs to velvet hats adorned with dental patients' teeth, these relics are eerie and amusing at the same time.

25 bizzare and fascinating artefacts from history that challenge perception of reality
Cover Image Source: Instagram | Museum Of Curiosities

Step into a world where the boundaries of normalcy blur, and the line between curiosity and eccentricity is delightfully thin. In the words of Grandma Aggie Cromwell from Halloweentown (1998), "Being normal is vastly overrated," and we couldn't agree more. Life has an abundance of peculiar, magical, mysterious and downright strange wonders waiting to be explored. In the realm of the peculiar, nothing quite compares to the Victorian mug designed to safeguard mustaches from tea stains or a velvet hat adorned with dental patient's teeth from the 1800s. These intriguing relics of the past, once considered commonplace, now evoke an eerie fascination.

Representative Image Source: Pixabay | Greg Montani
Representative Image Source: Pixabay | Greg Montani

You can find these and many other artifacts in the Museum of Curiosities, nestled within the virtual corridors of the Instagram page, @museum_of_curiosities and lovingly curated by the enigmatic Monsieur Pompier’s Travelling Freakshow musical group. We've scoured this digital treasure trove to bring you a collection of our 25 favorite posts, each one a testament to the weird and wonderful.

1. 1920s blow drying

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2. Frog automation

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3. Witch cakes

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4. Lobster Ladies

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5. Coffin Gnome

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6. The choking doll

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7. Mushroom Mondays

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8. Inventive look

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9. Family Bicycle

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10. Cat-mew machine

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11. Baby duck

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12. Nipple Shields

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13. The OG facial

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14. Goddess of gold

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15. The bee's knees

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16. Cat on a stick

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17. Bee beards

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18. 1930s, fruit mask

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19. Toy for the afterlife

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20. The writing ball

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21. The cat piano

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22. Anti-theft system in the 1900s

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23. House of nonsense

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24. Cool cabinet

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25. Happy Caturday!

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