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25 ancient professions men would gladly take up if they lived in the Middle Ages

Everyone has wondered how their lives would differ if they were born in a different age but these men have taken it seriously with some interesting professions.

25 ancient professions men would gladly take up if they lived in the Middle Ages
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Daisa TJ, (R) Reddit | u/checkyminus

We often wonder about things we could be and experiences we could have if we were born in a different year, a different age. Imagine being born in a quaint village in Europe where corsets and puff sleeves were still a thing instead of this modern world we are so accustomed to. A user on Reddit, u/Simplordx69 asked on the r/AskMen thread, "Men of Reddit, if we lived in the Middle Ages what would be your profession?" and the answers will definitely tickle your imagination.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ron Lach
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ron Lach

We've curated a list of 25 of the most outstanding answers to this thought-provoking question. We promise you'll find them both amusing and pleasantly surprising.

1. Self-awareness level 3000.

"Dead toddler. No chance I make it any further." - u/Power_of_Atturdy

2. Someone's too invested.

"Playing the odds... I'd be a fieldhand on a squash farm and then to pay fielty to the lord I'd probably just be levied into his army to fight for whatever wars of honor that happen to be going on at the time Luckily for me, I'll simply just die of exposure in my 3rd tour of duty at the age of 30." - u/Hammer_Caked_Face
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Errol Dio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Errol Dio

3. Because every village needs one.

"Village idiot." - u/The_Specialist_9000

4. Lines between imagination and reality look blurry.

"Technically I'd be dead. I was born with a condition called pyloric stenosis that wasn't survivable until the last 120 years or so. Even if that wasn't a factor, my vision is horrible. Without glasses, I would likely be dead by now in the middle ages from falling off a ridge or trying to pet a wolf or something." - u/GWindborn

5. Once a butcher, always a butcher.

"Butcher. Because I'm a butcher. Hasn't really changed much in 1,000+ years." - u/jtfriendly
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kampus Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kampus Production

6. Or like they would say back then - Wizard!

"Information Technology Smith." - u/farganbastige

7. Location: Salem.

"Burned at the stake." - u/panxil

8. Anything with tools.

"Soldiering or blacksmith would be my top choices if I was given an option." - u/ShoopDWhoop
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Specna Arms
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Specna Arms

9. That's ambitious.

"Meatshield for someone who was born into a higher-class family." - u/JBPunt420

10. Less profession, more lifestyle.

"I would be a Vampire." - u/Vegetable_Camera5042 

11. Mr. Reality Check.

""Peasant" just like everyone else here. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional if they're serious, or having fun with the question like it's an RPG." - u/hereticjones
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Regulus Photography
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Regulus Photography

12. Basic wins sometimes.

"Blacksmith or Wagon maker." - u/Bruno_Iars

13. Obedient child.

"Whatever my father's profession was, most likely." - u/Mister_Way

14. At least they will be appreciated.

"Probably a painter" - u/Soulglow303
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ott Maidre
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ott Maidre

15. Knight in shining (but useless) armor.

"Luckily I've got noble blood, so probably get killed on a random battlefield by being overconfident in my shiny, but not practical armor." - u/checkyminus

16. Good with hands.

"Probably some kind of craftsman or builder. I’m pretty good with my hands and take pride in my workmanship." - u/AKLmfreak

17. You mean a pharmacist?

"Surgeon. I’d be a doctor." - u/Filipino_Canadian
Representative Image Source: Pexels |  Edward Jenner
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Edward Jenner

18. Taking one for the team.

"Slave." u/50in06and07

19. The gong grower.

"A simple gong farmer." - u/Darkness_Everyday

20. Misery loves company.

"Blind beggar." - u/wrongmane
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Clem Onojeghuo
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Clem Onojeghuo

21. Since they already have practice.

"Carpenter. I do a fair bit of woodworking as a hobby." - u/-Lawn_Guy-

22. Change is universal,  but not a universal favorite.

"I'd probably be advising some noble on how to extract more rents and tax revenues. Same as today." - u/SecretRecipe

23. The most realistic future planning for the past is done here.

"Given that I was trained to sing from a very young age (and I am decent, if I may say so,) my options would be: Bard (rough but fun life), Court Jester/Musician (if I'm lucky), and Castrato (not sure if they did this in the middle ages). Something involving the Church. Otherwise, dead." - u/ghelatlishol
Representative Image Source: Pexels |
Representative Image Source: Pexels |

24. Sounds like they take people on great trips.

"Apothecary. 'What does this mushroom do? Now I see angels telling me to leap from the walls'." - u/Newtwell

25. Adventures of the man from the future in the past.

"Pirate sounds like its gonna be fun there is nothing like Photos or Maps and you can just Explore the world." - u/FulltimeWeeb7504

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