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2-year-old girl's pronunciation of months in English is cuteness overload

The little Japanese toddler captured the imagination of the internet as she listed the months in her 'baby voice.'

2-year-old girl's pronunciation of months in English is cuteness overload
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @baby.emmachan

We can stumble upon plenty of absurd content on the internet, but no one can resist the cuteness and adorable factor that every video with a child holds. A little Japanese girl with her wholesome videos has been winning over the internet crowd lately. @baby.emmachan is an Instagram account dedicated to two little ones: a 3-year-old girl named Emma and her brother, 1-year-old Leo. The toddler's parents usually post the siblings' videos as they go about their daily lives and do adorable things to put a smile on everyone's face.

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A post shared by Emma-chan & Baby Leo ◡̈♥︎ (@baby.emmachan)


However, one particular video has been gaining a lot of attention lately where Emma, otherwise also referred to as Emma-chan, is seen learning the names of English months. The throwback video shows the mother teaching Emma, who was almost 2 at the time, the names of the months and the little munchkin trying to repeat them. The video, which has accumulated over 6.7 million views so far, starts with Emma referring to January as "Dani-wowy." Then she calls February "Jebu-wowy," March is "Much," April is "A-powh," May is "Neigh," June turns into "Jweened," July is "Ju-wyy" and August becomes "Ah-gets."

Image Source: Instagram | @baby.emmachan
Image Source: Instagram | @baby.emmachan

The funniest part of the whole learning lesson is towards the end of the video. Emma used her broken English and jumbled pronunciation to breeze through September, October, November and December and repeated a "Hooray" when she successfully finished naming all the months, albeit with funny pronunciations. Some people on the Instagram community couldn't help but wonder if the little one is mistaking "Hooray" for the 13th month or not. But besides all that, Emma-chan did not fail to melt the hearts of the audience with her faulty English as she continued to learn it.

Image Source: Instagram | @baby.emmachan
Image Source: Instagram | @baby.emmachan

Every viewer who came across this video couldn't hold themselves back from gushing at the little girl's adorable efforts, which were beyond cute, according to many commenters from the Instagram community. @mattdreamsneon wrote: "I hope she doesn’t grow up thinking there is a 13th month called Hooray." @grecaussie joked: "I watched it ten times, going for the 11th. We love her!" @u_now_wo_i_am commented: "I repeat, the names of months are officially going to be those from now on. I repeat, it's on from today." @jib_sheik noted: "She already has a British accent." @harry_moriarty pointed out: "Quite literally, this is the first time I’ve ever seen any accurate subtitle a sound on Instagram."

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A post shared by Emma-chan & Baby Leo ◡̈♥︎ (@baby.emmachan)


Well, Emma isn't the only kid who can speed up the learning process in a fun way. If we scroll through the internet, we will stumble upon many other kids who can follow what they hear around the house and then start mimicking them eventually. A father on Reddit had a very sweet moment with his son and he was able to capture it on camera. In the video, a dad can be seen holding his child and saying, "Can you say, 'I love you?'"

Image Source: Reddit | u/lonely_fckers69
Image Source: Reddit | u/lonely_fckers69

Surprisingly enough, the infant is quick to pick up what he hears. As the dad slowly repeats the words "I love you" and prompts his son to try speaking, the infant suddenly says, "I love you." The parents seem so happy and then the dad hugs his kid. The video now has more than 34K upvotes and 300 comments.

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