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16-year-old boy wears red dress to prom cheered on by classmates and teachers at school

Nina Green, the boy's mother, said if parents let their child be who they are, then they'll get nothing but the best out of them. 

16-year-old boy wears red dress to prom cheered on by classmates and teachers at school
Cover Image Source: Twitter/thisisneenz

Editor's note: This article was originally published on July 6, 2022. It has since been updated.

A 16-year-old boy is being showered with love and support after he wore a red dress to his school prom. Korben spoke out his wish of wearing a dress to his prom when he was 12 years old and he lived that dream when he turned 16. The boy wore a sequined tuxedo and ballgown skirt and was cheered on by pupils and staff at Archbishop Sancroft High School in Harleston, Norfolk, reported the BBC. His mother, Nina Green, shared a photo of the 16-year-old wearing the dress. "At age 12, my son announced he wanted to go to his school prom in a gown. Four years later we made it happen. I’m so incredibly proud of him for being true to himself and the reception he got from his whole school was incredible," she wrote while sharing the pictures. "He wants to go as himself, while expressing his feminine side — with a tuxedo on the top and a dress at the bottom, very much influenced by (actor) Billy Porter. He wanted to be Korben... but in a dress."


Green said she wanted to show him "living his best life" and added that she was incredibly proud of him for staying true to himself rather than fitting into stereotypes. His mom's support means the world to him. "It sends a message - you can be who you want to be," said Korben. Green recalls the response of his schoolmates when he reached school in a splendid dress. "As soon as he got out of the car, everyone just cheered and I was crying, some of the teachers were crying, because he was being who he wanted to be," she recalled. "Everyone has been very supportive, and his year group has been incredible. If you let your child be who they are then you'll get nothing but the best out of them.



Green spoke about the importance of acceptance, especially from loved ones. "There are people in the world who still don't understand, but the feeling of acceptance, you can't beat that feeling. I am so happy for him," she said, adding that another parent had even messaged her asking for advice on how to support her own son who had recently come out as gay. Green said she wanted to also show parents that it was OK to support their children. "I really hope it will help others be more accepting, let proud parents feel they are not alone, and that they can celebrate their children, and for young people to know there is a network there if they need it. You need to accept your children for who they are," she said.



The tweet has garnered more than 122,000 likes. Green and Korben were taken aback by the love and support on Twitter. For Korben, being retweeted by Ru Paul's Drag Race star Michelle Visage was a personal favorite. "Ohhhhhhhh yes! You are an amazing beautiful mom and your child is a STAR," tweeted Visage.

"When I showed Korben the retweet he was absolutely blown away - he was so made up," said Green. They were headed to the London Pride when Green's notifications blew up. Someone even identified Korben from the tweet. "Then at Pride, someone in the march came up to him and said 'are you the boy in the red dress? I think you're amazing,'" recalled Korben.

Her tweet was also flooded with similar stories of other parents supporting their kids in expressing themselves. Green also shared a picture of them at Pride. "Wow! When I posted images of my son being true to himself I never expected it to get the response it has," she wrote. The support & positivity has been overwhelming & have totally drowned out the few negative ones which we take no notice of. It’s his life and I’m letting him live it."








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