'You can't control other people's actions, only how you react to them...it really helped me keep my cool in delicate situations,' noted one person.
We all have received some good advice at some point in life and applied it which has yielded good results. Moreover, those advice has stayed with us for a very long time. A user u/rayane_Xd posted on Reddit, "What is the best piece of advice that you've received?" And people had some amazing advice that they shared. They spoke about the advice they received about arguments, family, boundaries, work, networking, and life, in general. The post went viral with more than 17,000 upvotes and thousands of responses.
Here are the top 15:
Not everyone is going to like you.
Made me realise I wasted so much time and energy fretting over everyone’s opinions of me, when in reality there are always people who just won’t like you, and that’s OK. -u/Teeny_Tiny_Taylor
My dad once told me, half jokingly, that "Live Fast Die Young doesn't work if you don't die young." He has a bunch of health problems now due to not taking care of himself when he was younger. It really opened my eyes to how the way I treat my body now will have repercussions decades in the future. After hearing that phrase and seeing his health issues accumulate, I've started eating much healthier and exercising more frequently. -u/MasterVadar420
Treat things as an opportunity not an expectation.
If you’re expecting a certain outcome then you’ll generally be disappointed but if you are looking at it as an opportunity for things to go one way or another you’ll usually be happier with the outcome and not stress over it if it’s negative.
It’s a lot easier to see silver linings or benefits in things when you’re not expecting the outcome to be a certainty and you’ll be a lot more appreciate of said outcomes when you’re not already starting at a benchmark. - u/whereegodsare84
We judge ourselves by our reasons and others by their actions.
Try to remember this when someone judges you for something you did or before judging someone else for their actions. -u/HighestOfFives
My dad gave me a lot of gems over the years but the one I come back to most often is:
Those who can’t build themselves up, tear others down.
It’s really helped me get perspective when someone is being disrespectful, mean, etc etc. I tell myself it’s not really about me, it’s about their own internal struggles. - u/AudioHallucinations
In college a mentor told me, “the habits you establish now last you the rest of your life. If you think you’re too busy now to prioritize your mental and physical health, establish hobbies, engage with friends, just wait until you’re working full time trying to balance it all”. She was right, the things I prioritized then are the easiest to maintain now, everything else still takes a back burner. - u/frecklesarelovely
When you want to buy something make sure you can afford it twice (this way you will never go bankrupt) the same person also told me not to save too much because you can't take your money to the afterlife. - u/quack11
healing is not a linear process. helped me through a lot of hard shit to know to focus on the big picture and the general trend rather than thinking about individual good vs. bad days. and, as i'm learning, life is not a linear process either, so honestly just great general advice for being alive. -u/ahmccmha
"You can't control other people's actions, only how you react to them." My mom told me that and it really helped me keep my cool in delicate situations. -u/ChungusGrungusLungus
90% of life is just showing up.
Has been true and helped me, a serial procrastinator, get myself to be a reliable and ultimately successful person. -u/seekAr
Worrying adds nothing positive to your life. Ever. Whatever happens in life, there's never a good reason to worry.
Basically, you have three scenarios. There's no problem, there's a problem but you can fix it, or there's a problem but it's outside your control.
In any case...worrying is pointless because it will never help. -u/desirewhitehall
Focus on your family first... money comes and goes, but your family are always there, no matter what (unless you let money & work get in the way)
If you know what you are going to do for the rest of your life, or have a pretty good idea of what you're going to do, spend your time focusing on that specific thing. If you don't know, do well in school and join as many things as you can, that way you'll be able to find out what you really like to do. And you'll have more career options. -u/slammer35
Talk about your mental health. You would be surprised by how many of your friends have similar issues, or other types of issues, but still understand.
"Once you learn something, no one can take it away from you".
It really resonated with me, since I grew up with instability and uncertainty. -u/KeeleyCumming