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14 reasons why you should tip your server more than 20% for working during a pandemic

While some might argue the economic benefits of re-opening restaurants, theme parks, shopping malls, and such, the fact remains that we are still putting people at risk.

14 reasons why you should tip your server more than 20% for working during a pandemic
Cover Image Source: Server Gabby Fasoline serves customers at a table at Kona Grill in Boca Park Fashion Village on May 9, 2020, in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

By now it's become crystal clear that people aren't going to sit at home despite knowing that the pandemic is very much still a thing. No matter how many experts stress the importance of being taking every precaution possible to avoid contracting the novel coronavirus and inevitably passing it on to those around us, with several states relaxing their lockdown regulations, people are going out to public areas in droves. While some might argue the economic benefits of re-opening restaurants, theme parks, shopping malls, and such, the fact remains that we are still putting people at risk.


The service industry, in particular, took a hard hit with COVID-19 going on a global rampage. Servers who were already earning the bare minimum and relying on tips to pay their bills have been left with no choice but to return to work to get by. However, since social distancing regulations require restaurants to accommodate fewer diners than before, the money they could potentially make through tips in a day has also considerably gone down. This is exactly why those of us who do go out need to open up our wallets wider than usual and tip our servers more than the standard 20%.


Not convinced? Let me break it down for you. Here are 14 reasons why you should tip your server more:

1. Their job is a whole lot harder these days

Image Source: A worker at the Boulevard Hotel restaurant clears a table in the outdoor seating area and prepares to close the restaurant for the day as a curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. is put in place on July 18, 2020, in Miami Beach, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

2. They are constantly exposed to strangers who may or may not be following proper pandemic protocol

Image Source: View of a terrace full of customers at the Ciudad Comptal restaurant the day before the new regulations that will require a minimum separation of 2 meters between tables and a maximum indoor occupancy of 50% on July 17, 2020, in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo by Xavi Torrent/Getty Images)

3. They have a tonne of additional cleaning duties now

Image Source: Katrina Tico wipes down a table as she helps prepare a newly constructed outdoor seating area for guests at the KYU restaurant in Wynwood on July 09, 2020, in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

4. The outdoor seating doesn't just arrange itself


5. They have a longer walk from the kitchen to your outdoor table these days

Image Source: A waiter at Mon Ami Gabi, a French restaurant in Maryland, wears a protective face mask as they serve customers outdoors amid the coronavirus pandemic on June 12, 2020, in Bethesda, Maryland. (Photo by Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)

6. Then there are the COVID-deniers


7. ...And the misers


8. ...And the human nightmares


9. ...And more nightmares


10. If you thought some customers were bad before, they're worse now


11. Do I even have to tell you about what happens when it rains?


12. This was someone's paycheck


13. And no, they don't even get hazard pay

Image Source: U.S. Department of Labor

14. There's always the fear of getting infected while trying to make a living. And you thought your work was stressful

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