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11 staff members at a Missouri hospital are pregnant at the same time

'This is definitely a great experience and it's something that I feel like we'll probably bond over for a lifetime, having the babies due around the same time.'

11 staff members at a Missouri hospital are pregnant at the same time
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Liberty Hospital

It's going to be raining babies at one Missouri hospital soon. Ten nurses and one doctor at Liberty Hospital in Liberty, Missouri, are all pregnant at the same time, with the first baby of the bunch due next week. The hospital shared the extra joyous occurrence in a Facebook post earlier this month, writing: "We are expecting a BABY BOOM at The Birthing Center! Ten of our labor and delivery nurses are expecting their own bundles of joy this year, beginning with the first baby due in three weeks! Pictured here they grow in gestation from right to left. Congratulations and very best wishes to our amazing moms-to-be!"


While many showered the post with good wishes for the soon-to-be moms and their babies, some joked that there must be something a little extra in the water at the hospital. However, speaking to Good Morning America, the staffers clarified that none of it was planned and that there is nothing in the water. "There's a lot of nurses saying they won't drink the water," said Hannah Miller, a 29-year-old postpartum nurse who's expecting her first child. "One of the nurses actually brought her own water bottle the other night and I was joking with her. I was like, 'Oh, you're really not drinking the water.'"

Dr. Anna Gorman of Northland Obstetrics and Gynecology is expecting her second child and said it was extremely unlikely that all 11 of them would be pregnant together. "I think it's really unique because it's all in the same unit... and especially like our population ratio, I think is quite high. So sure it happens, but it's pretty exciting when it's this big," the OB-GYN said. Most of the pregnant staff are nurses with the hospital's Birthing Center and hope to deliver there when the time comes. Being pregnant at the same time has also been a strong bonding experience for all of them.


"This is definitely a great experience and it's something that I feel like we'll probably bond over for a lifetime, having the babies due around the same time," said Alex Atcheson, a labor and delivery nurse. "It's been great to have each other for support and go through pregnancy together." The 29-year-old and her colleague, labor and delivery nurse Alison Harrell, are both expecting their third offsprings. "Alex and I figured out pretty early that we were due the same day," Harrell, 30, said. "And then we started making a list of everyone and people just kept adding to the list as time went on."

Atcheson and Harrell are 37 weeks along and are set to welcome their little ones this month, with both sharing the same due date of May 27. Their labor and delivery co-worker Katie Bestgen is due in a little over two months, on July 20. Meanwhile, 26-year-old Christen Burns joined the club more recently. "I was one of the last ones to tell everybody that I was pregnant," the labor and delivery nurse, who is expecting her first child, said. "I think it was just more exciting to add to the group and have everybody right there with me."

"It's been really helpful. Just like getting advice and tips from my coworkers and especially the ones that have had babies before and just relating and like, 'Oh, do you have problems with your hips too, or different pains or that kind of thing?'" revealed Cheyenne Beaty, a 26-year-old labor and delivery nurse who is expecting her first child. "It's just nice that there's people around me going through the same thing for sure." 

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