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102-year-old joins her 6-year-old great-grandson in virtual gym class, it's the most adorable thing ever

The centenarian became an online sensation after a viral clip showed her moving around energetically, waving her arms in the air, and marching on the spot beside her 6-year-old great-grandson.

102-year-old joins her 6-year-old great-grandson in virtual gym class, it's the most adorable thing ever
Cover Image Source: Instagram/Angie Contreras

An Arizona centenarian is spreading smiles across social media after a video of her participating in her great-grandson's physical education class went viral. 102-year-old Julia Fulkerson has now become an online sensation after the viral clip showed her moving around energetically, waving her arms in the air, and marching on the spot beside her 6-year-old great-grandson, Brody Contreras. According to Wave 3 News, it was a special moment for both Julia and Brody as the two had been separated for almost a year due to COVID-19 regulations. "I was cracking up and taking video after video, but it was also super surreal, just kind of watching," said Brody's mother, Angela Groch.



Groch, of Phoenix, Arizona, revealed that she and her husband took Brody 'to spend some quality time' with his great-grandmother after the couple got vaccinated against COVID-19. "This was the first time that we’d been able to really spend some time with them because of the pandemic because we are able to be safe now," she said. Groch told Good Morning America that while she had spoken with her son's teacher so Fulkerson could have a chance to meet the class, the senior beat them to it and decided to jump in on the fun during PE.


"We were going to introduce her to Brody's class... but she beat us to it and walked up during PE and just joined in," she said, reports Daily Mail. "Great-grandma was like dancing around and doing the PE exercise," Brody chimed in. "I couldn't stop laughing and I thought it was the sweetest thing," said Groch. "I get such a kick out of her." She said that she is thrilled the video — which has racked up hundreds of thousands of views online — is bringing so much joy to netizens around the world after such a hard year. "It just makes me so happy that it brought so much joy because it did for us, and I knew how special it was," she said.


Fulkerson is the grandmother of Groch's husband, Joel Contreras and has six grandkids and four great-grandkids in total. The sprightly centenarian reportedly drove a car until she was 100 and worked for the mining community. According to Groch, the senior very much enjoys living in the small town of Ajo, Arizona. "My favorite quote whenever anyone asks what [grandma's] secrets is, she says, 'Dancing on tables and kissing boys,'" she revealed.


Fulkerson's daughter, Kim Contreras, shared that her mom has always been a happy person. "She's always been that way. After her stroke, she could have been just a weepy person. Just watching her with him, it made me so happy," she said. Posting a picture of the enthusiastic senior on Instagram after the craziness of going viral, Groch wrote: "Holy smokes! Who knew this going viral business was so intense! The past couple of days have been madness- in all the best ways. Brody and Great Grandma have completely lit up the news and internet!"


"I think our special 15 mins may be coming to an end — and I just want to say — I couldn't be more grateful that the world saw and rejoiced in how amazing this lady is. She is truly a legend and brings so much joy to so many hearts — I know no one more worthy of this," she continued. "And if I may try and summarize: she literally went global — but what means the most to her is this may make her small hometown's local paper. We love you, Grandma Julia!"

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