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101-year-old doctor shares 3 most important tips to lead a long and happy life

101-year-old Dr Howard Tucker swears by three rules to remain happy in life and his grandson shares them all in a new documentary.

101-year-old doctor shares 3 most important tips to lead a long and happy life
Cover Image Source: Kickstarter/ Photo by @whatsnextmovie

Experience can never be beaten when it comes to life advice. Dr. Howard Tucker proves it every day as he lights up everyone's life around him with his pearls of wisdom. Therefore when his grandson wanted to know three lessons for leading a long and happy life, he immediately went to his grandfather to ask his opinion and shares it with Business Insider. Dr. Howard Tucker is 101 years old and also holds the world record of being the oldest practicing doctor in the world. His zeal for life is so appealing that his grandson wants to make a documentary on him and has started a fundraiser on Kickstarter to garner finance for the project. 


Austin Tucker shared three things his grandfather suggests to everyone to live their life with more happiness. His first tip is - "Keep learning and don't give up." Even today, his grandfather is interested in the latest technology and wants to open his horizons to new things in the world. He never closes his mind to anything and gives everything a chance. Austin shares, "If he's gonna do something, he's gonna go a hundred percent."


The second tip is to never hold on to hate. Austin shares that his grandfather believes that holding on to hate damages a person both physically and emotionally. On the other hand, it does not do anything to the person toward whom the hate is directed at. Instead, he suggests people foster healthy relationships. He credits his happy marriage of 66 years as a huge reason behind his positive zeal toward life.


Finally, Dr. Howard Tucker suggests people undertake everything in moderation. He asks people to always approach things in control, and not do too much of anything. He maintains this stance in terms of everything, whether it is fast food or exercise. "No fad diets, no special workout routines, it's just everything in moderation. If you're in the mood for a steak dinner, don't make it a daily habit," Austin Tucker explains his grandfather's stand.

Image Source: Kickstarter/ @whatsnextmovie
Image Source: Kickstarter/ @whatsnextmovie


In Howard Tucker's opinion, following these three simple tips can lead to a more healthy and happy experience. In his own case, he enjoys two to three miles every day on a treadmill along with a healthy diet. Oftentimes he indulges in a martini and some ice cream.



Even after being 101 years old, Dr. Howard Tucker makes sure to live every moment to the fullest. At this age also he desires to be active, and is the oldest practicing doctor, with a new teaching gig at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio according to his interview with Insider. Austin Tucker, his grandson has always been in awe of his grandfather's attitude to life especially towards learning and seeking new things. His respect for his grandfather grew ten-fold when he saw him stepping out during the pandemic to treat people suffering from Covid. Though the entire family was scared out of their mind and got him back, they were astonished to see his passion to take care of other humans even at such an advanced age.



Austin is very close to his grandfather and speaks to him every day. He is inspired by him since his childhood, and it is this inspiration that has led him to the idea of a documentary. "We hope that this movie will uplift and inspire people to invest in our seniors who sometimes are overlooked, but still have so much to contribute," he told the publication. 

Image Source: Kickstarter/ @whatsnextmovie
Image Source: Kickstarter/ @whatsnextmovie

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