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10-year-old girl saves 28 cents every day for three years to get a memorable gift for her granddad

The little girl's thoughtful gesture for her grandfather wins over the internet and people are in awe of her.

10-year-old girl saves 28 cents every day for three years to get a memorable gift for her granddad
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Alena Darmel

Grandparents hold a special place in our lives, always ready with a warm embrace when their grandchildren need comfort. A young girl in China honored this bond in a heartwarming way by gifting her grandfather something truly special, according to the South China Morning Post. She spent three years saving up for this gift. Once she felt she had enough, she and her mother went to a jewelry store. With help from a shop assistant, she chose a piece she knew would mean the world to her grandfather.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | sklei
Representative Image Source: Pexels | sklei

The 10-year-old girl, who lives in Zhejiang province, eastern China, adores her grandparents. To buy them a special gift, she saved 2 yuan (28 US cents) every day for three years. After collecting 2,000 yuan ($280), she asked her mother to take her to a jewelry store, hoping to buy a gold bracelet. The local shop offered many options, and the girl, amazed by the selection, asked the saleswoman, "I only have 2,000 yuan, what can I buy for my grandfather?" The assistant kindly helped her choose, asking, "Which one do you prefer?"

The girl knew this decision was important, as she had been planning this gift for years. After some careful consideration, she decided to buy the black option. The saleswoman arranged it in a box while the girl took her money from the piggy bank. Over the years, she had collected both banknotes as well as coins and took them all out in the shop. There was a certain excitement within her about making this purchase. "This is all my savings," she said.

The woman packed her chosen item and the girl rushed to her grandfather to give him the gift. Her grandparents were sitting on the doorsteps of their house when she reached there. The girl immediately pulled out the bracelet from the box. "I bought this with my pocket money," she told her grandfather proudly. The surprise three years in the making was finally in the hands of the grandfather and his happiness knew no bounds. He gave a broad smile to his sweet granddaughter.

@hollybrooke92 This is wild! Mine say from Nana who passed in 2015. The rugrats wrapping paper makes me think these are way before then even. #grandparents #crazy ♬ Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town - Mariah Carey


The love grandparents provide to their children truly knows no bounds. In a similar incident, Holly Brooke revealed in a video how her grandfather tucked away old gifts for his son and grandkids, in a storage space. The fact that she found these gifts after his passing away made the whole thing more emotional for her. It felt that even after passing away, he was hugging her to ensure she didn't miss him too much during Christmas. The gifts for their son as per a follow-up video, included a flashlight, massage chair and covers. In the caption, Brooke noted how the gifts meant a lot to her father, "I know he loved having one last Christmas with his parents in a way. My sister and I are looking forward to opening ours!" Another video had Brooke unwrapping her own gift, which was a light pink fleece robe.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on August 28, 2024. It has since been updated.

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