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10-year-old colorblind boy's classmates save their allowance money to buy him special glasses

A colorblind elementary school student's classmates joined hands to buy him special glasses to see color for the first time.

10-year-old colorblind boy's classmates save their allowance money to buy him special glasses
Cover Image Source: YouTube | KHOU 11

Jaron Casillas, a Texan elementary school student, has lived his life so far with color blindness. But things changed for the better when the 10-year-old got one of the best gifts from his fifth-grade classmates at Glenhope Elementary in Colleyville, Texas. His elementary classmates went above and beyond to get him special glasses which will help Casillas see colors for the first time. Casillas' mom, Lindsay, had a chat with PEOPLE where she revealed how they first discovered that the young boy was color blind.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ksenia Chernaya
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ksenia Chernaya


“When Jaron was first talking,” she told the outlet, “He couldn't tell us the color of objects, but I knew for certain that he was colorblind one morning as I was driving beneath an especially spectacular Texas sunrise. I heard his little voice from the car seat behind me say, ‘Look, Mommy! Look at the beautiful green sunshine!’” Casillas revealed his condition during a discussion circle they were having in their class, explaining how he sees gray when most people can identify colors like purple, green and blue.

Casillas' teacher, Christina Hayes asked him whether there were any kind of special glasses for people like him, to which the kid answered that there were but they were extremely expensive. Casillas' classmates privately approached Hayes later and asked if they could collect enough money to buy their friend those glasses which are designed specially for color-blind people. According to WFAA, Casillas' classmates saved up their allowance money along with donations which was enough to buy him two pairs of special glasses that he can wear indoors and outdoors.


A few days later after Casillas revealed his condition to his classmates, he was surprised with his two new pairs of glasses where his parents were present as well. "They donated their own allowances, happily, because they love you and they care about you," Hayes told the young boy, per the outlet. “Witnessing the outpouring of compassion towards Jaron and unharnessed joy in the faces of so many children chanting his name, was a moment I will never forget,” Lindsay later told PEOPLE. 

“As a mom, you want to be there for all your child's firsts,” Lindsay added. “The first step, the first word, the first taste of ice cream. It felt like I was looking on to a similar moment, but this time, Jaron's dad and I were gathered with dozens of faces filled with love and the anticipation of their gift received and a new ‘first’ for their friend.” The elementary kid's mom revealed that her son needs to relearn the names of colors and shares that he associated with certain objects, for example, he previously described the color of grass as red.

“However, after we picked him up from school, Jaron, still beaming and wearing the glasses, announced that his classmates already had this covered. One friend has volunteered to make flashcards and work with him on his primary colors and another wants to take the lead on secondary colors,” Lindsay remarked. At the time when he received his new glasses in class, Jaron said to WFAA, "I'm just really excited because I know that my friends are really true friends for doing this for me. I can't believe this is happening!"


As for the delighted mother of Casillas, she was glad that this moment provided everyone a greater lesson than just simply gifting the 10-year-old some special glasses. “For so many children to bring their allowances in hand,” she told PEOPLE, "To unite in a project of kindness and giving demonstrates to me that there is goodness in the world and there is goodness in the hearts of the next generation. This is the story that we are talking about at the dinner table.”

According to the National Eye Institute, color blindness is a condition in which a person sees color differently than most people. A common type of color vision deficiency is the inability to distinguish between red and green, or when blue and yellow look the same. There is no cure, but special glasses and contact lenses can help people see the differences, per the institute. 

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