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10 ways people would use to make someone laugh in 15 seconds for a reward of $10000

From rib-tickling jokes to silly actions, people have witty ideas to make someone laugh in 15 seconds.

10 ways people would use to make someone laugh in 15 seconds for a reward of $10000
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Elevate, Reddit | u/Dragonprotein

Laughter is the best medicine 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andres Ayrton
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andres Ayrton

Life is all about the little moments of fun and laughter. What stays in our minds etched for decades are those moments when we burst out laughing that we had tears in our eyes. It could be because of a joke that someone said or a funny gesture that someone did that cracked us up. However, humor is not an easy thing to master. Mostly, it's the perfect timing and witty sense that makes a joke laughable. Many are blessed with that inherent quality to say or do something so funny that people would instantly laugh out loud. When u/damnshawtyruokay posted on Reddit asking the users, "You have 15 seconds to make someone laugh for $10,000, what do you say or do?" people came up with really amusing answers. Here are the 10 best replies that would have you rolling on the floor laughing.

1. A laugh for a laugh

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

I’ll say something really stupid that’s kind of funny and absolutely lose my shit laughing. Laughing heartily really makes people want to laugh with you. u/crimsonsonic_2. Make a really bad joke that you obviously tried really hard to come up with and then laugh yourself. They will laugh out of pity. u/Turbulent-Guava-1260. Pretend to be on a call and start uncontrollably laughing in the most hilarious way. u/L0rdH4mmer.

2. Reverse psychology

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sound on
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sound on

Don't laugh. (Perfectly straight deadpan serious face) Don't. Don't do it. Don't laugh. No, stop it. Stop it! You're not allowed!! (Increasingly panicked) I see that smirk, quit it! Don't! Don't laugh, stop it! What are you doing?! You're not allowed to laugh!! u/tolacid. 'Hey, do u wanna hear something funny?' A very long awkward pause. 'I don't know what's funny.' Gets me every time. u/Grouchy_Scientist754.

3. Tickle them

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva

Tickle them. I would expect you to have a higher chance of getting them to laugh due to this than actually knowing their humor type. u/Mission_Revolution94. This might actually work on those who aren’t ticklish as well, if it was me and I wasn’t ticklish but I was suddenly the victim of an attempted tickle from a random person I might just nervously laugh it off as being so incredibly weird. u/spectreenjoyer.

4. Stare game for the win

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Craig Adderley
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Craig Adderley

First nine seconds stare at them unblinking. Then on the 10th second simply say, "Potato." u/Dragonprotein. I don't know about making someone else laugh but for me, if my boyfriend just stares at me and says don't smile I start laughing so he's definitely getting 10k. u/kaydenwold_lynx. Say 'Bagel,' in a really deep and serious voice then stare at them for a long time it seems to work on the people I know so I hope. u/woah_broski1.

5. Dad jokes

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Allan mas
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Allan mas

I'd probably pull out my best dad joke! How about this one: 'Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!' Bam, $10,000 in 15 seconds! u/PageBallmer. Lots of dad jokes. Speaking of which..."Did you hear about the vampire who died of thirst? All his efforts were in vain." u/KazukiSendo. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. u/Chrisallme.

6. Funny story

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pressmaster
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pressmaster

A man has a drinking problem. His wife says, "If you come home drunk tonight I'm going to leave you." He has too much to drink and he throws up over his own jacket, he turns to his friend and says, "If my wife sees the state of me she's going to leave me." His friend says, "Put £20 in your jacket pocket and say it's from the man who threw up on you and gave you £20 for the dry cleaning bill." He goes home and his wife starts leaving. He says, "No check the pocket, a man threw up over my jacket and left £20 for the dry cleaning bill."She says, "Why are there two 20-pound notes in your jacket pocket?" He says, "The other £20 note is from the man who s**t in my pants." u/Ill_Animal1088.

7. Witty puns

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elle Hughes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elle Hughes

Challenge accepted and won! I looked at my wife and asked "Why are pirates called pirates?" She says "I don’t know." "Because they ARRRRRR!" I follow through with it. She shorts with laughter. $10k please. u/ouzo84. A little boy had to go to the principal's office to check out of school. The principal asked him his name. "Th- th- th- th- Thomas, Sir," said the boy. "Do you have a stutter, Thomas?" the principal asked. "No, Sir. My dad had a stutter. The guy who filled out my birth certificate was an a*****e." u/EcksMarksDespot

8. Silly face

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Turn and make a silly face at my daughter. Toddlers will make this easy money. u/Adopted_hamburger. Show them a pic of my daughter when she was a toddler. Her face was covered in chocolate frosting from a cupcake and she got mad at me for something little and crunched up her face. It was so adorable. u/Fuzzy_Plastic

9. Behaving weirdly

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yaroslav Shuraev
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yaroslav Shuraev

Have a normal conversation then screw it up midway through. When I start stuttering and can’t get the words out I suddenly pull out an article about the Industrial Revolution. Trust me, it’ll work even if it sounds weird. u/Basically-Boring. How old is this someone? If it’s a child between ages 2 and 6 I’m simply going to walk into a wall while looking backwards and talking and fall down and knock myself out. Works every time. u/doppelstranger.

10. The broccoli joke

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alesia Kozik
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alesia Kozik

A guy is working in the produce section of a grocery store and a lady interrupts him three times, asking "Where's the broccoli?" The guy replies, twice "Sorry ma'am, we're out of broccoli." The third time he says to her, "Spell 'cat' like in catastrophe." "C, A, T," the woman replies. "Good," says the man. "Now spell 'dog' as in dogmatic." "D O G," says the woman. "Now spell 'f**k,' as in broccoli." "There is no f**k in broccoli!" cries the woman. And the man yells "That's what l keep telling you!" u/MicroCat1031.

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