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10 amusing things people would say if they could speak to their cats for 5 seconds

Though the felines understand humans a little, people wish to convey a few important messages to them.

10 amusing things people would say if they could speak to their cats for 5 seconds
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay, Reddit | u/DeadSharkEyes

Message for the paw-some friends

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

Pets develop their own way of communicating with their owners over time. From expressing their love to signaling their hunger cues, the furry friends are smart enough to use body language to interact with their humans. However, they don't understand everything that their owner says and often create a ruckus at home. In fact, out of a whole sentence told by the owner, only a few words make sense to them. For the last decade, these felines have taken over the internet and people find their "diva" kind of personality adorable. Showing no regard for the things that are going on around them and living life on their own terms, cats sometimes do get on their owners' nerves. And unlike dogs, they simply show zero remorse for their mischief. It's like this world belongs to cats and we are just living in it. Maybe that is why Reddit user u/thebaddestgoodperson decided to ask the community members "Your cat can understand you for 5 seconds. What do you say?" Here are some of the hilarious replies from cat owners that sounded more like requests rather than a message to their "cat bosses."

1. You're not starving

Representative Image Source: Pexels | David Yu
Representative Image Source: Pexels | David Yu

Just because your bowl is half full does not mean you will starve and I refill it for you twice a day whether you remind me every 15 minutes or not. u/zerbey. You can have Dreamies at 8 pm if you have already eaten your wet food from 5 pm. The stress of you begging for treats with a full plate of food still waiting, or begging for treats immediately after your wet food goes down or all the other variations is ruining our relationship. u/paigezerom

2. The vet is our friend

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring

I love you and I take you to the vet because I love you and want you to be with me for a long time. Please let me take you to the vet. u/DeadSharkEyes. In the same vein please stop attacking the vet and destroying his room. You’re already banned from appointments except for emergencies, but they’re just trying to help. I would literally never do anything to hurt or upset you on purpose. u/sussyboingus.

3. Please use the litter box

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Fox
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Fox

She already does understand me because I tell her I love her so frequently. But I would demand that she stops peeing outside the litterbox or at least let me know when its cleanliness is not up to her standards. u/YogiBarelyThere. I love you, you're amazing, and I'll never hurt you, please keep toilet stuff in the litter trays. u/LaraH39. When you’re feeling stressed, don’t pee on the bench. Put your paw on my arm and we will work it out. u/Chunkiekitten.

4. Lots of love

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sam Lion
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sam Lion

When I had my kitten that prepared me for having my daughter who reminds me a lot of my cat (I'm a dude), I'd say I love you so much and you're the best ever. Then I'd give my cat a kiss and hug. I'm a half-decent noob of a dad because I took care of my then kitten and raised her into cathood. u/Dmartinez8491. I've loved you since the beginning, and I'll love you to the end. Stay silly. u/DivineSquirrel7.

5. Don't be scared

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tranmautritam
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tranmautritam

My friends and family adore you, they're not like the scary humans from your former life. They won't hurt you or take you away! It breaks my heart that she's so timid and feels the need to hide from most people. However, when she finally earns your trust, she's the sweetest little companion. u/AwkwardBubbly. Are you lonely? I love you. Ease up a bit. My 3rd cat is the youngest and we put our 13-year-old cat to sleep because she had cancer and was losing too much weight and we couldn't treat her. So he is our only cat now, an indoor scaredy cat, and is very lonely. u/WasteNet2532.

6. Let's talk more

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

Will my cat remember what I said? I would say, "Short meow means yes long meow means no," so I could continue communication in the future. u/TolisWorld. If you have any bad pain anywhere, meow 10 times while standing on the sink (I want to know if he has any health issues). u/TheNotFortunateSon. 1 meow for “Yes” or meow twice for “No” so we can sort of speak to each other forever. u/adrianthegreat.

7. Medicines are good

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring

You have to take your meds because of a heart problem. Thank you for being a good girl and taking them. The horrible car journey is to see the cardiologist who is giving you a check-up. Please don't stress out in the car. I'm doing this to save your life because I love you so much. u/steampunkchesh. This medicine is so that you don’t have pain in your mouth! I love you! I won’t let anything hurt you! u/sugar182.

8. Stop the attack

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Crina Doltu
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Crina Doltu

For the love of god, stop scratching the litter box for 5 freaking minutes straight. You're a good boy, I love you. Stop it. u/SkinHunger55. I love you. For real. Please stop biting me, I don't ever bite you. Also, you are not going to starve because you can see the bottom of your bowl. Sometimes the weather is too bad for me to open the window for you. I don't like going to the doctor either, but we all have to do it. u/produkt921.

9. Let me sit comfortably

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

Just because I need to shift my weight in the chair, doesn't mean I want the cuddle to end. u/uncle_monty. Yeah, this is a big one for me too. My guy will cuddle but then I move and he’s like “Oh it’s over, okay,” like no, I just wanna be comfortable, my little dude. u/Spiffy14 My cat is okay with my shifting if I gently put a hand over/around him when I do it. u/17times2

10. My purr-fect friend

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sinitta Leunen
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sinitta Leunen

I love you and thank you for being my friend. If you're hungry sit by your bowl, if you ever feel ill, lie on the bathroom floor and I'll know and I'll try to help, I love you. u/UpDog17. You're my best friend and I love you more than you know. Please stop yelling at me every five minutes like I've neglected you for months. I just played with you for an hour! u/musicallyyours01.

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