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10 people reveal wholesome things and practices they have started to like as they grew older

As these people grew older, they changed some of their preferences and habits and it's truly inspiring.

10 people reveal wholesome things and practices they have started to like as they grew older
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Joanna Baumg; Reddit | u/Meikami

Wisdom comes with age.

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Joshua Abner
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Joshua Abner

Our mindsets change as we grow older. Things we couldn't understand or might have despised in our younger years suddenly become crucial to us. Maybe some of us loved drinking coffee to pull all-nighters before exams in our teenage days, but once we age out of that phase, coffee doesn't seem appealing to us anymore. Maybe some of us have neglected our skincare routines when we were younger and hated how our bodies looked. But with time, we have learned to accept ourselves in our skin and pay more attention to maintaining a skincare routine. u/nweike on Reddit asked the community to share what they started liking more and more as they grew older. It can be anything from life lessons to seeking comfort over fashion. Here are some of the most interesting answers left by Reddit users in response to the question that might deeply resonate with most people.

1. Choosing quality over quantity in friendship

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton

I stopped thinking that having a ton of friends/being popular was winning in life. I have fewer friends now than I did in high school/my early 20s and I love it! I used to be non-confrontational, tried too hard to make others happy, and had a lack of self-esteem. It all stopped in my mid-20s when I said 'leave it' and started standing up for myself and stopped putting up with other people's nonsense. I stopped being friends with negative and terrible people who used and abused my friendship over the years, all because I'm a nice person. Now, it's all about the quality, not the quantity of friends. I now surround myself with positive and good people. I look back and laugh at how/why I put up with so many inconsiderate rude friends. To them, I say good riddance! The friends I have now are all awesome! u/CutePandaMiranda

2. Caring less about society's opinions

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Monstera
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Monstera

Genuinely, not giving a single thought about society and what they think I should be or do. I take care of myself to make me happy. Although I'm just getting started at 50 and all my kids are on their own, freedom, good old fashion freedom. No worrying about kids or a man. Just being single and having no kids is extremely liberating. u/Minnesota_icicle. I'm so jealous, sister. My kids are still young, but I'm recently divorced. I wish I could be happily single and enjoy some no-kid time. u/Zephyr_Bronte

3. Giving up on competing pointlessly

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Giving up on the competition that everything seems to be. I will never be the best or greatest. I do things for fun now. Or responsibility. But other than that. I do nothing just because I'm supposed to anymore. Oh, I'm supposed to stress over the laundry and dishes? No. They will get done. Eventually. My house can be a mess. I will clean it when I'm not exhausted. But no more stress cleaning at 2 am because someone might stop by and see my carpets aren't perfectly vacuumed. Or I have midnight snack dishes or anything else. I quit competitive parenting the same way. I'm not the best and never will be. My kids won't get homemade costumes for Halloween and lunch notes every day. Guess what, they don't mind at all. They like a new mommy who cares more about reality than a mommy who is always stressed and tired. u/Inner_Art482

4. Investing in skincare

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Polina Kovaleva
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Polina Kovaleva

Skincare (retinol is the best) and waking up early. Also, going to bed at a decent hour. Do not drink alcohol regularly (I just feel a lot better when I don't). Eating healthier food because I feel sick when I eat junk now. And a regular exercise routine. I have a few chronic illnesses and mental illnesses, so taking all of my medications as prescribed. Who would've known doing that would make me feel better? u/cumberbatchpls. All of this! I don't drink any alcohol and I'm not doing well with sugar though and skincare is where it's at! I spend way too much time reading articles and researching skincare and too much money on it, but I like it. u/gimpy1511

5. Better be alone than having toxic friends

Representational Image Source: Pexels/Austin  Guevara
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Austin Guevara

As someone who always threw a pity party for not having friends or being accepted into cliques in middle and high school (so much drama and backstabbing!). I had some that were very fair-weathered and I got used to a third wheel quite a bit. When they needed something, I was there. When I needed something, they left and threw me away. I'm glad I ended up with none. Being an adult is the best because you don't have to deal with stuff like that anymore, LOL, going to hit my 30s in 6 months, while I have no friends. I am glad I have my boyfriend as my best friend. He's the perfect number for me. u/deleted

6. Eating healthy

Representative Image Source: Pexels |KoolShooters
Representative Image Source: Pexels |KoolShooters

Eating healthier because junk food makes my stomach mad at me now. u/Mckellymhm. Tell me about it. I eat fairly healthy and last weekend, my boyfriend's family wanted to get pizza/Italian food. We ordered deep-dish pizza, cheesy bread, portions of pasta, etc. and had a little Friday night feast. My stomach was messed up all week. Like constantly nauseous, mild diarrhea. u/ciaobella88. In my 20's, my staple diet was Domino's pizza and 7/11 hotdogs. I functioned pretty damn well, was in great shape, and used to work out every day after work. Now, at 48, just the thought of Domino's pizza makes me feel tired. u/deleted

7. Choosing comfort over fashion

Representative Image Source: Pixabay | Myriams-Fotos
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Myriams-Fotos

Wearing comfortable shoes. In my early twenties, I would sacrifice my comfort for looks. Truth is, those uncomfortable pretty high heels were never worth the pain or potential safety hazard, and if someone thinks you're hot, they aren't going to care about your shoes. Maybe I listen to too many true crime podcasts these days, but I think it is important for people to be able to run away quickly if they need to without rolling or breaking an ankle. u/chandland.

8. Change in mindset

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Trevor Lawrence
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Trevor Lawrence

The idea of looking like other women. I feel like I'm unsuccessful in my dating and social life because I'm too different and I look like I'm weird, so no one wants to be with me. So I want a makeover and be this pretty basic woman to finally have options to choose from, not just loneliness and random construction workers and impolite drivers on the streets, combined with old dudes and middle school kids. u/ChaoticBisexual_13. As a lifelong loner and introvert who's always been happy in my own company, I'm starting to crave the company of others and great conversation. Especially at weekends. u/CuteMaterial

9. Being comfortable with your sexuality

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

Women. I like being around them more now that I'm more secure with myself. I don't feel competitive with other women anymore. I feel the actual benefit of having female friends more than I ever did in my teens and 20s, and well, as time went on, I realized that I'm bisexual to boot. So, yeah. Women. u/Meikami. So glad to hear that. Lately, I've been seeing lots of posts and videos on social media talking about why a girl doesn't want to be friends with girls, feels they are jealous, toxic, etc. This made me so sad. I've only ever been friends with girls, boys were too harsh and immature for me. Also, they want to date you mostly. u/NeuroDivers

10. Have children when you are ready

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

Having children. I could not see myself wanting or having kids throughout my 20s. I'm now 45 and kind of like the idea of having one. I think a lot of it has to do with my partner. Having a great partner makes the idea so much more appealing. Whenever I'm away from her, the feeling grows even more. I'm traveling for work. u/deleted. I feel this. We had our first last year - she was an unexpected addition to our family. I'm genuinely surprised how much I love being a mom. I think I was putting it off because it's just so much, but my husband was born to be a dad. The best part is watching him grow into fatherhood - it's like he's the extra version of himself. It's way better than I thought. u/Shabettsannony.

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