Not all knowledge can be found in books, but every girl should know about these ten crucial things to move ahead in life and stay safe.
All the ladies out there might have been in numerous situations where they would have lamented not knowing about something from early on. For example, if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and you can't get a hold of the mechanic, you might have wished you knew how to tinker with the vehicle. What if you are at a doctor's office and you don't know how to advocate for yourself and set boundaries you are comfortable with? Well, u/ej1273 questioned the Reddit community: "Women of Reddit, what’s something every girl should know but is rarely taught?" Fellow Reddit users had some of the best advice stocked up, especially for young women who are not taught certain things early in their lives and end up questioning themselves and suffering later on. Here are ten of the best pieces of advice that every woman needs to know.
My dad's father died when my dad was a child. He missed a lot of those basic life skills and naturally, he taught none of them to me. Just do it. Change your tire. Start fixing small things that are broken. (Never screw with electrical stuff unless you know what you're doing and if you do know what you're doing you know an electrician should probably do it) But it's okay not to know but make an effort to learn. Ask for help. If someone mentions a man should know how to do this say I'm sorry my dad didn't teach me. Most of the time that person will go into dad mode and teach you. u/No_Manufacturer5641
Pregnancy is not all 'glow', weird cravings, morning sickness and painting nurseries like television want you to think. There are so many other awful symptoms that may or may not show up. It's like spinning a wheel and getting a handful of different symptoms every time. It's crazy hard on the body. Your body changes profoundly and sometimes you're left with chronic issues. No one talks about this. I think every woman should know this before family planning. My experience was par for the course (slight fracture in the pelvis and PPD), but worse than what I thought. After talking to other moms, it's terrifying what stories come out of the woodwork. Mothers who almost died from birth complications in my immediate family. "Oh, your cousin's elbow ripped my internal organs on the way out; I almost bled to death." When I ask the generation of mothers before me why they didn't tell the next generation these sorts of things, you get, "Oh... well, I didn't want to scare them off having kids..." It's crazy. It's knowledge. I still would have had my son because I wanted a child, but it would have been nice to know just how much I was putting on the line! u/FlatteredPawn
Take action and yourself as a priority. If your gut is telling you that a guy/a group is making you uncomfortable, excuse yourself accordingly and don’t underestimate your gut. If you think your period has started and/or leaked, don’t wait and check. Road trip and need to use the restroom? Please stop at a gas station. Also, just a note, your tummy will look different throughout the day. Usually, it gets larger and smaller post-meal and from varying gas amounts. It’s OK. They’re made to protect organs, anyway, they don’t have to be as flat as a door. u/introverted-void
Lifting and working out in general are fantastic for one’s mental health. It’s a great outlet for getting out one’s emotions, it’s great for your body too. Plus, as someone with ADHD, it’s amazing because when I lift, my brain is quiet! It’s so zen. Also, to any women out there who are afraid of bulking up, don’t be. That takes work. Consistency, a solid workout routine, pushing yourself, lots of protein and eating more calories than you burn. If only it was that easy to bulk up and get jacked! It takes a lot of work and dedication. You can lift weights and become healthy and fit without ever looking like The Rock. u/deleted
Motherhood is not mandatory, despite what society tells you. Having and not having kids are both valid choices. u/LilacMages. I love my niece but I feel like I couldn’t love my kid. I’m scared I wouldn’t be a good mom; I have too many mental health problems. I don’t want kids, but I’m scared one day when it’s too late, I’ll regret it. It’d be cool seeing a little me and trying to make their life and childhood better than mine ever was but life is too evil for me to want to bring a kid into it. u/sarahdoeee
We have the right to be ugly. Not that we have to be, not that we should be, but what we don't have is the obligation to be beautiful. There is nothing wrong with knowing what beauty can do socially and using it. But I think it is important to know that we are taught to internalize that being beautiful is an obligation when it is not. Ugly men are perceived to have the same rights as any other man (I'm talking about rights), but when we women don't try to be the most attractive version of ourselves then we are not fulfilling a basic duty - we're all judged by our looks, but when it comes to us, areas that have nothing to do with beauty are clumped together more often and more intensely. It doesn't matter if you're ugly or not, but if you were - it shouldn't be a problem to get a job, to be respected by others, to be valued as a human being, etc. u/hambre_sensorial
That you may not love your baby when they're born. Not only that, but that's so common, it's a version of normal. Not everyone gets that undying love at first sight and that's okay! It's okay if you need some time to get to know this brand new, tiny person in your life to love them. Just keep taking good care of them. Love grows, you just have to give it a chance. (This is specifically for children, not dating!) u/Similar_Craft_9530
Never order a drink at an unfamiliar place with salt or sugar on the rim. In some places, it's the bartender trying to drug you, not some random patron or even date. And even if you do know the place, never turn your back on the bar while waiting for your drink. Know where it is at all times. You can (and should) refuse any drink from anyone that you did not order or you haven't seen it being made. u/esloth23
Don’t allow men to dump the burden of household responsibilities onto you. Be clear and set the expectations for equally shared labor from the start and don’t give him a pass because he acts incompetent or ignorant. Men are always bragging about their dazzling intellect, logic and all the stuff they contributed (or stole from a woman and didn’t give her credit for) in the world, so yes, they can figure out how to do laundry properly. Don’t let them get away with this nonsense. u/TheOneQueen
I divorced twice. It was way harder the last time—lots more accounts. I haven't bothered with some things. I have a folder of legal papers to document the history. I answer to three names- maiden name, first husband and kids last name, second husband. I can tell what stage of my career they know me from or if they know me through my kids. Ridiculous—who changes their name in their 40s? But for a while, we had a house with three last names and I knew my second husband secretly really wanted it. I get double jury duty. Also changed a kid's name when adopted (one kid elected to keep bio dad's name, one kid hyphenated). u/Alienspacedolphin