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10 hilariously relatable comics that will make it eaiser to get through this week

There's nothing more satisfying than seeing relatable content which makes you go, "oh I am not the only one!"

10 hilariously relatable comics that will make it eaiser to get through this week
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @gettingoutofmyhometown

Comics uniquely blend words and images, creating a powerful medium to express the human experience. Emma, a comic artist known as @gettingoutofmyhometown on Instagram, shares humorous, relatable comics that touch on self-worth, mental health, and "girly problems"—topics that resonate across generations. Her Instagram bio captures her vibe perfectly: "I don’t know how many years I got left on this earth, so I’m gonna get real weird with it." Though her last post was in 2020, her themes remain timeless and universally relatable.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Markus Spiske
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Markus Spiske

From therapy sessions to self-doubt and the quirks of girlhood, Emma captures a wide range of human emotions. Here are 10 of her relatable comics to give you a good laugh:

1. Getting a task done

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


2. Making progress after therapy

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)



3. Receiving compliments as an adult

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


4. “Tell me about yourself?”

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)



5. Getting work done. Getting work done?

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


6. Their happiness is my happiness

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


7. Summer person vs winter person

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


8. An ulterior motive

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


9. Extrovert overthinker

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


10. Handling serious conversations like a pro

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A post shared by Emma’s Comics (@gettingoutofmyhometown)


You can follow @gettingoutofmyhometown on Instagram for more such hearty and relatable comics.

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