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10 hilarious things people would do if they had 30 minutes until a nuclear bomb dropped in their area

Even if a life-threatening disaster were about to happen in 30 minutes, people made some absolutely funny plans to spend that time.

10 hilarious things people would do if they had 30 minutes until a nuclear bomb dropped in their area
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Castorly Stock; Reddit | u/Pavlovsdong89

Having fun even during a catastrophe

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

At least once in our lives, we might have thought about what we would do when the world is about to end. Most of us would want to do all the things we love the most or the things we have always wanted to do but never got time. Either way, our goal would be to keep ourselves happy during those final moments rather than sitting and sulking over the next few moments. When a Reddit user asked, "A nuclear bomb is set to drop at your area in the next 30 minutes, what's your plan?" people in the comments had some hilarious responses. Rather than giving it a serious thought, people shared the first thing that popped up in their minds and it was quite amusing. So, here are 10 things people would do if they had 30 minutes left before a nuclear explosion in their place.

1. Something dramatic

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Garvin St. Villier
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Garvin St. Villier

Get in my car and start livestreaming. Drive down the highway for 25 minutes, then turn around and head back. Presumably, the highway going back will be empty. I queue up Freebird so the solo starts right before the bomb hits. Floor it. I'll go down in history as the Freebird nuke man. - u/SeaHam. You need to do it in a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am, preferably maroon, with the huge eagle on the bonnet, a bottle of Jack in the hand wearing double denim. A death better than any human in history. You’ll become a god. -u/MisterSmithster.

2. Life in a cave

Representative Image Source: Pexels | M Venter
Representative Image Source: Pexels | M Venter

Make a to-go bag of basic supplies and drive as far away as I can and as fast as I can. Whenever safe, download as many survival videos off YouTube. Outside the danger zone, get a solar-powered charger for my phone by either buying or stealing from a store. Theft is the least of their worries at that point. Then I’m heading for a cave in Kentucky. Find cell service once a day to check what the news is, if it’s safe to go back to civilization, or if it’s full Fallout 4 mode and this is my new life. - u/lunarbro.

3. Gobble up the favorites

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

I'd polish off the chocolate muffins I made today. I might be able to survive a nuclear war, but I honestly don't want to. Not going to be many muffins or Manchego wedges in the post-apocalypse. -u/Pavlovsdong89. Oh man, I have Celiac. I would totally eat a giant flaky croissant and a couple of Krispy Kreme donuts near the target area. I’d eat all the pastries, but KK and croissant take priority. -u/Fatricide. Eat a ton of ice cream, pizza, cheese, whatever. I am allergic to dairy and have never had any of it, so I’d like to experience that before the heat death of my city. -u/Euuphoriaa.

4. Chill with pet

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Samson Katt
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Samson Katt

My dog and I are going to eat some good treats, drink a good bottle, and go for one last walk simultaneously. Then try to calm him down by snuggling for the last 5 minutes because you know dogs are gonna sense something bad coming. My ride and die in this scenario. -u/bluehotcheeto. Call my folks and tell them I love them. Take a few shots and maybe some Benadryl to get nice and sleepy, then lay down and snuggle my dog. Hopefully, we are both snoozing at the end. -u/Birdies_nub.

5. Pose for the nuclear shadow

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mumtahina Tanni
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mumtahina Tanni

Do a crazy pose so my nuclear shadow looks cool afterward. -u/Disastrous-Plate-276. To make a shadow, you need to provide your body to be sun bleached and leave a non-sun-bleached area behind. That's what your shadow actually is. It's the original color of the landscape, just blocked by you. Everything else turns white except your shadow. So, pose up for your UV ray bath. Maybe lather yourself in sunblock level 1000 first. -u/gfanonn.

6. Work woes

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Olia Danilevich
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Olia Danilevich

Go to work so I don't lose health insurance. -u/TheZozkie. So many in the thread presume they wouldn’t be at work at the end or that their boss would let them switch their shift for the end of the world. -u/Viperlite. This seriously made me realize that 30 minutes wouldn't be enough time for my boss to decide if we would close for the day or not. -u/fokkoooff.

7. Tackle it the Coyote way

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Fauxels
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Fauxels

Get a tiny cocktail umbrella and hold it over my head with a sign on a stick stating "Yipes!" aka Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius. -u/rip1980.You forgot the part where you mail your request for the tiny umbrella to ACME, wait 3 seconds for your package to arrive and then proceed with the rest of your stellar plan. -u/elemenno50. I think scientifically, this approach ensures that when the bomb drops, you'll come out of it looking frazzled with your face/clothes all turned soot-black, but then you'll be back to normal in the next scene. -u/noggin-scratcher.

8. A gentleman's fall

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Charlotte May
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Charlotte May

Open my best bottle of Scotch and go down as a gentleman. -u/NATOuk. I have an opened bottle of prohibition-era Old Taylor bourbon from 1933 that I’ve never been able to bring myself to open because of its value. I guess, I’d pop that baby and see what whiskey produced in 1917 tastes like. -u/Nevadadrifter. Maybe drive down to where I can get a good view of the mushroom cloud while I drink my tall glass of bourbon. -u/valerie2bgirl.

9. Secret bunker

Representative Image Source: Pexels | El Capra
Representative Image Source: Pexels | El Capra

Have been waiting for something like this to happen for more than half of my life. I would grab all my survival and hunting kit, which is conveniently packed in one bag, put on my boots and jacket, then hop on my motorbike and drive to a bunker that I and some friends dug out in a nearby woodland. Once I'm there, wait for the dust to settle, then put my survival skills to the test. -u/69Sheogorath69.

10. Just sleep

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

I got woken up by the Hawaii false alarm. I figured dying in my sleep didn't sound too bad if it was real, so I went back to sleep. -u/kashabash. I was in Maui in 2018 and got woken up by an emergency announcement that a missile attack was coming. I just thought, "Those idiots screwed up - This must be a test - no way anyone would be attacking now" and went back to sleep. I am now sitting in western Canada and if I got a notification, I would do the same thing. -u/somewhat_random.

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