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10 eye-opening advice from adults that could make life better for the younger generations

When asked about the one thing they would tell the younger generations to refrain from doing, adults gave priceless life advice.

10 eye-opening advice from adults that could make life better for the younger generations
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Lum3n; Reddit | u/illyvanilee

Words of wisdom for a happier life.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

As the famous saying goes, learning is a never-ending process. Throughout our time on this earth, life teaches us valuable lessons. What matters the most is how much we learn from it and live accordingly. Particularly, as a youth, a person has the best opportunity to set their life right by correcting their paths. There is no one better to talk about this than adults who have made mistakes during the prime time of their lives and later faced their consequences. If given the chance to go back in time, many adults would probably prefer to set right some of the wrong decisions they made. So, when u/DronePuppy12 asked the Reddit community, "Adults of Reddit if there was one thing that you could tell the younger generation not to do, what would it be?" there was an overwhelming response. Here are 10 priceless life advice from adults to the younger generations.

1. Don't fall for bogus

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pikx by  Panther
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pikx by Panther

Don't pay attention to physique influencers, spend money on their products, or get upset/depressed you aren't dating someone who looks like them. Even before the increasing use of AI, most of it was fake. What isn't fake is usually drug-assisted and features people with .1% genetics that almost everyone will never look like or date. u/NotAnotherEmpire. All Instagram fitness influencers are usually younger than 25. Like yeah, most of us are pretty fit at that age. I’d like to see all of them in their late 30s. Influencers who can stay in great shape into their late 30s and 40s are the ones I can respect. u/samkingett.

2. Don't postpone self-discipline

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto

Develop self-discipline, the sooner the better and understand it’s a practice, not a destination. u/Unfair-Clock2785. It can be a really effective mental hack to adopt a “don’t break the chain” approach to habits and self-discipline. But the real self-discipline is the second part: avoiding all or nothing and thinking about your chain. If you skip one day of exercise, indulge in one cigarette, or eat a big piece of cake—you’re still doing 98% better than before you started changing the habit, and that was always what mattered. Train yourself to believe whatever story lets you resume the chain as soon as possible. u/sixfoot6.

3. Form healthy relationships

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andres Ayrton
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andres Ayrton

Communicate your needs and boundaries early and often in any relationship. If they can't be respected, this relationship isn't right for you. u/vissith. 100% set boundaries early. Talk about if want kids before marriage. So many people leave that conversation to later. u/Content-Dot7334. Find true friends. If someone is treating you badly consistently then gaslighting you, then being kind a day or two get off them. Distance yourself, they're not worth your time they’ll destroy your life and your mind in the end. u/tonyesse.

4. Refrain from harmful habits

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Isabella Mendes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Isabella Mendes

Don't smoke/vape. It will take over your life and you won't even know it. u/Senna_65. I wish I didn't ever really drink. I've known a couple of people who never really cared for it and I envy them. The amount of money I'd have saved, and the amount of embarrassment I would save myself is phenomenal. u/ProfessorSMASH88. Looking back now that I’m in my 30s, I can’t believe how stupid peer pressure is when it comes to drinking. Not just being the one pushed into it but mainly, how dumb is it to pressure someone else to drink? u/Gruenkernbatling.

5. Be your own perfect 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Brett Jordan
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Brett Jordan

Focus on yourself and your goals. Don’t try to change yourself to be someone else’s version of perfect. u/illyvanilee. This does NOT mean doing whatever you want whenever you want, it just means to be genuine and true to yourself. Have your own goals, agenda, and opinions and make your own life choices based on what you want your life to be rather than what others think it should be. u/k_o_g_i.

6. Plan your retirement early

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Maitree Rimthong
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Maitree Rimthong

Start saving for retirement now. Every dollar invested today is worth more than a dollar invested tomorrow. u/LeOmeletteDuFrommage. Money doubles every 7-10 years so money saved now is worth double what it will be if you start a decade later. u/permalink_save. Save your money when you get your first job especially when you’re living at home with your parents. Pay for the essentials, bills, fuel and food. The materialistic stuff will come. After about 21 y/o no one really gives a s**t about your clothes/ shoes/ accessories. Just get yourself set up for your future, and you’ll be so much less stressed. u/12gage_A.

7. Don't rush life

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

Quit trying to grow up so fast. Enjoy it in the moment, enjoy not having to pay for housing, having your family cook and buy your food, and sleeping in with no real obligations. Enjoy the times when being broke doesn't matter because you have no bills. Don't rush into needing a relationship. Just be a kid, have fun, don't care too much, make mistakes learn from them, pick up hobbies you can carry into adulthood, and learn a skill you are interested in. u/ReturnOfTheJurdski.

8. Don't chase a relationship

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vija Rindo Pratama
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vija Rindo Pratama

Don’t spend your whole life chasing a relationship. When it’s time, it will come. Focus on learning to be single and how to enjoy being alone. u/verifypassword0208. I dodged a lot of potential bullets and saved a lot of pain and heartache by waiting. It feels like an eternity of waiting when you're young but someday you'll see that by not rushing into things you've spared yourself a lot of bullshit. Eventually, I met my best friend and now wife and couldn't be happier. u/funkyjiveturkey.

9. Strive in your career

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

When starting your career, work hard. It will make you stand out among your peers and you’ll get promoted quickly. Managers love a young person who works hard and shows initiative. Don’t listen to the current trends and what social media might tell you regarding 'screw your job, do the bare minimum because no one cares.' This is horrible advice and will result in you staying at the bottom of your field or getting fired when budget cuts come around. u/scubaSteve181.

10. Real world over the digital world

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Spend as little time on your phone, as on social media, as possible. Real people are in the real world. u/AhAhStayinanonymous. Get off your phones. They should be for talking when absentee, or maybe photos. Not for hanging out in person. And delete your TikTok and Instagram accounts you will feel far better. u/Stormblessed331. Shut off your phone. Go for a walk! Or read a book. Or visit someone you love. Just do something constructive! u/Lastredwitchtoo.

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