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10 conventionally unattractive qualities that people actually find hot

Everyone has flaws or traits they don't really like. However, those same attributes can turn out to be a preference for others.

10 conventionally unattractive qualities that people actually find hot
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Munis Asadov

A deal-breaker for some but a green-flag for others.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Everyone has certain qualities they're in awe of and certain traits they absolutely detest. However, there are also some people who like the qualities that don't bring much joy to those who have it. Massive foreheads, hairy skin, funky styling and whatnot - the list goes on. These attributes can completely make a person shun you or fall in love with you. It's always fun to find out if others adore any of the uniquely weird traits possessed by you. Replying to u/ChloeIsObsessed23's Reddit post, people shared their absurd love for what some might call the most "unattractive" qualities in a person. Their post read, "What is something considered conventionally unattractive that you find hot?" With over 10k upvotes and innumerable comments, the list includes everything, from height to scars and more. Here are the top 10 responses that make one understand why some people have a soft spot for seemingly "unattractive" bits.

1. Beautiful scars

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch

There was this girl in high school who had fire burn scars all over her back and shoulder, but she would always either wear backless tops or her sweater off of her shoulder. The straight-up confidence and aura she exuded was the sexiest thing ever. u/Born-Ad5449 Had a classmate back in high school who had been badly burned over most of her body as a child in a house fire. But she would wear the tightest black jeans, tease her hair up high, put some makeup on, and have that confidence that made her sexy as hell. And everybody knew it. u/guano-crazy

2. The nerdy men

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Valeriu Gutu
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Valeriu Gutu

Nerdy men. Like a true nerd, passionate about his awesome hobby that only nerds have. I married a nerd. His love for maps and geography in general came up on the first date and because of him I am very well educated on the subjects now. I love every moment of it. u/WispsofBlue I also married a nerdy guy and it’s been the best thing ever. He’s so passionate about so many subjects and it’s just beautiful hearing him go. Watching a person happily talk about things they know a lot about is almost always a treat. u/ReasonableProgram144

3. Crow's feet 

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio


I love crow's feet in both men and women. I’m starting to get them myself (I’m in my 30s) and I love it - a sign of lots of smiling. u/stretchypants88 Crow's feet in women. They make me weak in the knees. Especially when they smile. u/Pumpkinhead82 I love crow's feet on men and women. Honestly, wrinkles in general. To see the history of people's experiences on their faces is such a beautiful thing. The happiness, the sadness, the anger, all of it. A beautiful story told through the canvas of an individual's face. u/Saving-Directions445

4. Translating hieroglyphics

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Lady Escabia
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Lady Escabia

A few years ago, I visited the Louvre and in the Egyptian wing, there was some skinny, bald and not really hot dude crouched on the floor, translating hieroglyphics through the display window onto a notebook. I thought that was super hot. u/starshinedrop Translate hieroglyphics like nobody's watching. It's confidence, enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity. Love to see it. u/enternationalist Translate hieroglyphics to me like one of your French girls. u/widlflowerandwhatnot

5. Shyness

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Victor Hugo Raimann
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Victor Hugo Raimann

Shyness, I guess. Everyone always says you need to be confident to be attractive but it never mattered to me if someone is socially inept- I find them more genuine and relatable. u/Mask_Bitter I agree, I actually think a little shyness is an attractive quality, so long as they aren’t debilitatingly shy. In my personal experience, people who are a little on the shy side tend to be really nice people, whereas I feel like you’re taking your chances with extroverts. u/Magnuson

6.  Lower tummy pooches

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andres  Ayrton
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andres Ayrton

The little pouch on a lady's lower tummy, especially in pencil skirts. u/ii-mostro I always thought it was something really hot in a woman but felt so afraid other men would criticize me when I was a kid for thinking that, I'm happy to see I'm not alone on this one. u/Tali_Lpz Yeah man. I don't know why I like it, but it's irresistible for real. u/cerealkiller454 Yes! I'm not even into women but I think that's totally hot. u/CoraCricket

7. Raspy voice 

Representative Image Source: Pexels/George Milton
Representative Image Source: Pexels/George Milton

My now-husband/then-coworker would call my office number (we worked together) first thing when I got into the office because he liked to hear my raspy morning voice. u/ImTheNumberOneGuy Women with a deep voice. A sound more beautiful than the voice of an angel for real. u/icedragon9791 I call this a gravelly voice, and I totally agree. My wife has it and it makes me weak in the knees when I hear her speak. u/proost1

8. Imperfect, crooked teeth

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Ksenia Chernaya
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Ksenia Chernaya

F**ked up teeth, healthy but not straight, a gap, snaggle tooth. Imperfect teeth. u/opportunitysure066 I love crooked teeth! Straight teeth are boring and honestly the whiter they are the more off-putting they are, it just seems so fake to me? Just like the scars in other comments, crooked teeth are so unique to the person and might even have a story behind them. I look at my cousins who all had to grow up with braces and I feel so bad for them. u/starfire4377

9. Sans grooming

Tim Mossholder
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Tim Mossholder

Looking unkempt and disheveled. Both men and women. Like long, messy hair, tired eyes, sweatpants and sports bra, a worn-out coat, a scraggy beard and a cigarette as they went through some shit today. There is a fine line between looking like a gross slob and this, I guess, "hobo chic" or sleepy-beauty look, though. Also, I'm totally biased in that it's only when people I already find relatively attractive do it. But it's a look most people seem to disapprove of in general. u/Solid_Difficulty3662

10. Dad-bods

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Josh Willink
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Josh Willink

Give me a big bear of a man with a paunch. Give me a dude with a dad bod. A father figure, if you will! I also like a really hairy chest. u/Tortilla_Moth93 Same. Soft bellies are so cute. And so pleasant to cuddle. u/littlerainbow02 How are muscles supposed to fun to lay one's head on? Dad bod all the way. u/epistone22 My partner has a hairy chest and pecks, but not from being buff, from being chubby. I love to bury myself in it. u/VioletSkully

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